LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

Nope. I bought a remaster with QoL improvement based on feedback.
I am providing the feedback now and cant wait to play with pLoot as default loot option on Sept. 23rd.

I did. And i enjoyed them. Still i also want to enjoy this game. So i prefer pLoot here.
I dont want to push you out, so you can have your side-option to play with ffa with your friends. There you have your own little participation trophy for playing a game 20 years ago.


It’s funny, I was trying to imagine how I’d feel knowing the loot in front of me couldn’t be taken by anyone else.

I was running tombs and a set weapon dropped. Myself and 7 other people in the tomb were spam clicking it and since we all have full bags, the weapon kept hopping up and down.

Finally something realized this, deleted something in their bag, and picked it up. It was the first time in the beta that I felt a rush of adrenaline, trying to snag this awesome item.

Now imagine that scenario where everyone has instanced loot. Sure, I’d get that set weapon, woo! But there wouldn’t be that rush. No sense of ‘wow I got it over everyone else’. And then additionally, no ‘hey that’s good for my build, can I have’, i.e. friendship/community building.

Instanced loot sounds good, until you realize it destroys the above. If you want to ensure you get all the loot that drops, you can play solo and mf all day. If you want to play with others for exp benefit/fun, get ready for that rush!

I say no thanks to instanced loot.

I am 99.9% sure that personal loot will not be the default option on September 23.

If it were, the fireworks could fuel several small cities.

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So why is then a problem with pLoot?
If noone is playing for leechers then why do you list them as a problem?

Pretty sure he wouldnt show them if they were not relevant.
Why give them a plattform if they are “just noobs”? Are you saying he is stupid?

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I also did. Couldnt decide which game trys to copy paste the other harder.

I already wrote this in my calender. xD So bad forum dont have facecam. I would lovely see that surprised pikachu face of your when you realize there is no ploot. xD

Then they should have an FFA option. We can play shared and you can enjoy the rush. However, you do realize there are programs that will auto-pick up items for players, right? You won’t be picking up anything good once playing in areas that have good loot.

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To show for Blizz how irrelavant they are.

It will come eventually as an option as you create a game. And the funny thing about adrenaline is that its ok when you level but once you level and start farming you will never make a public game for farming you will always make a private game because of this exact problem being afraid to loose that jah which will kill player interaction in the end and make the game more boring.


Good. Let’s keep ffa as an option.

I had my fair rush of adrenaline 20 years ago. I dont need it anymore.

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This is the real diablo 2 experience, that has happened to me thousands of times in chaos runs. PIcking an item>full inventory>item on ground again>another guy picks it>life goes on. It seems many people here would rage quit the game and start crying if that happened to them.

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So you went for the one with the 100% copy paste (in your view)? Smart move.

while it would be nice for them to balance loot and deal with 1 set of hackers really early on i don’t think it will be for a patch or two because they want all the people who don’t want to change anything (i know that they are already changing a ton) to feel like not much changed. they already have stated they might do balance and more qol/accessibility post launch that’s when i think they will address the issues with loot.

I can’t see many people sticking around once pickit becomes a necessity again, the amount of people i have seen with pre order access so far is more than i have seen on live d2 in years and many wont stand for the rampant hacking i would suspect. but their are people who of course are going to want to fight for ffa because they enjoy using pickit and use the hilariously bad excuse personal loot is for greedy people who want items faster and ffa is the more even system.


The thing is you get the adrenaline rush but it will only be there for levelling. Once you quit the levelling phase, that adrenaline rush will never exist again since everybody will create private games for farming for this exact reason. So you only get the adrenaline rush while getting exp in public game and then you loose interest because you farm alone because you are afraid to loose your jah drop.


Showing their irrelevance by giving them relevance. Genius!

Not really. But they would enjoy the game less. Evidently.
That is why we need pLoot.
You can play your selfish-ninja-adrenaline-rush-circus-from-20-years-ago with a game creation option. Everybody wins. Now go back into the oxygen tent.

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There’s already a feature in this game for private loot. It’s called moving down a different corridor, taking a different path, farming a different area than other players currently in game, or making a private game. Part of the gambling aspect / addictive quality of D2 is competing for drops. If you remove that you might as well make the gear soulbound and call it D3. Items have trade value because players are competing for them. If you multiply the loot by 8 players then part of the fun, trading, becomes near worthless.

Use Diablo 3 as an example. Each player has personal loot and upwards of 10 set/legendaries or more drop from rift guardians. Outside of primals you can build an end game set in less than 2 days with any efficiency. Then hit a wall of boredom until the next season because the game spits out gear too often and there’s no challenge in obtaining them.

At least you know the difference between remaster and new game xD

Because they only way they can rationalize their own greed is to blame the other people who want all of “their” stuff. You know, since they obviously failed kindergarten and never learned proper social skills.


Because leechers would flood the public games just for their share of the loot they ahve guaranteed and ruin the game forcing actual players to run private games, just for that small issue.

This issue could be solved by needed to be close to the monster killed, need to deal 10% of the damage, you can kick leechers etc… LMAO. Leechers are a non issue.

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Might as well play single player, lol.