Lol... S28 patch notes, Thanks blizzard!

Look i feel you. I realy do. WDs been through this before. It’s like yelling into the void. Eventualy someone will hear you.

Too little, too late, for me personally. I didn’t buy Diablo 4 for this exact reason. Blizzard almost never listens to their player-base. I was part of the crowd that quit World of Warcraft after the “Battle for Azeroth” expansion after playing WoW for over 10 years… because I saw them completely ignore big name WoW players (like Preach - Preach Gaming) feedback on things within the PTR, further going on to double, triple, quadruple down on their way of doing things until it drove the game into the ground and they lost more than 50% of their subscribers. I played Battle for Azeroth for 2 months after its release, TRYING to enjoy the game I absolutely loved and spent countless nights staying up for 12+ hours playing, but just couldn’t. But even though their subscribers were completely unhappy and voiced that they were unhappy, they kept trying to force a square peg into a round hole, until finally, they realized how bad it was hurting them financially and caved. The same happened with WoW: Classic.

If it keeps happening, it’s no longer a coincidence, it’s a pattern. I refuse to fall victim to that same pattern in Diablo 4 when blizzard eventually lets EVERYONE down, AGAIN with their entitled arrogance.


One of the MANY reasons for me as well. I will say after a good night’s sleep, those days have pasted. I understand, the only advice I have found to offer myself, FIGHT the FIGHT if it makes you feel better but be realistic with expectations.
As long as I play this game, I will stand up for the Crusaders!


And this time they did listen to those people, and you’re still erroneously complaining.

Conjecture and unprovoked insults. Gotta love the Blizzard forums.

I consider it a good thing that ppl like him wont buy d4. We dont need or want d4 to be as toxic as d2 forum. He and his bad ideas shouldnt get near d4.

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I’ve seen you across multiple topics commenting low IQ comments for weeks. You’re just a troll, nothing more. I already addressed your ignorant comments before, you refuse to provide a real answer to my question, your comments are worthless.

Toxic ideas? you mean they’re toxic because I said your IQ was low? That’s because it is. You repeatedly projected your own insecurities at me to the point where I stopped responding. You took direct wording and decided it was anger, when it wasn’t, to cope with the fact that YOU someone told to download T-HUD, because you refuse to admit that you use it. You condone cheaters. You lie about rank 1’s (when we can all look it up) You’ll cheat in D4 too, just know that it’s nothing to be proud of. You’re not nearly as good as you pretend to be. Guess what else D4 doesn’t need? CHEATERS LIKE YOU.

U saying your behaviour aint toxic? U saying ppl have low iq when they dont agree with u and now even call ppl cheaters? U rly so toxic. Grow up kid.

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I appreciate you sharing your views. I am very happy with the changes, could they be better? Sure, but this is a huge company trying to do what they can with an almost 11yo game. So I will look at this as a positive. Hope you can find a way to enjoy things, if not, don’t worry we will all be having fun.


I wish more people conducted themselves like this on these forums.
Thank you Cstain.


No, I say you’re low IQ because it’s true. You literally proved it over numerous posts and responses.

Nothing toxic about being correct. You’re a cheater who will continue to deny that he cheats. You’re delusional, nothing more.

Edgy kid? I’ve had this name for over 15 years son. Stay mad about it though I guess? Sorry I hit the gym regularly and live a lifestyle where I can call myself a beast? lmfao… Funny that you suggest I was calling people toxic first though. And yes, he is a cheater, he uses TurboHUD. That’s cheating.

I’m actually impressed you knew how to spell mongoloid. Most likely an alt account of Coreander with the 3 posts and all. But hey, do you booboo. Stay mad <3

Just because u believe it that doesnt make it true. A person which doesnt have low iq would know that. If u not even capable of understanding this how would u be able to tell how much IQ another person have?

So u cant give me a proper answer like a adult and only use personal attacks. If someone is proving to have low IQ that surely is u.

U not correct though. U spitting out stuff because u mad. U simply base all your assumptions on your emotions. Its weak and uneducated and considered a childish behaviour. Also common between ppl with low iq or mental issues.

What proof u have of me cheating? Your emotions? U being rly toxic and pathetic. The fact that u dont see it makes u delusional.

This is what proves your low IQ. I can prove it with 1 response. My corrections are in parentheses.

Just because u (you) believe it that doesnt make it true. A person which doesnt have low iq would know that. (a person who doesn’t have a low IQ would know that) If u not even capable of understanding this how would u be able to tell how much IQ another person have? (if you aren’t capable of understanding that, how would you be able to tell if another person has a low IQ)

I won’t bother to correct the other sentences. Your sentence structure alone proves it. But this is your “proper answer”.

  1. I’m not even remotely angry, you can keep pretending that I am to cope, but I’m not.
  2. I know you’re not calling anyone “uneducated” when you type like a chimpanzee who learned how to use a keyboard…

Yea, you’re right… people who don’t cheat viciously defend the use of cheats… :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

So u base your assumption on how ppl type in a game forum? So only english speaking ppl can have high iq? That rly proves that u got low iq if something. Educated ppl knows that there are ppl in the world which speaks different languages

Thats why u resort to personal attacks and saying ppl have low iq and call them cheaters as soon as they dont agree with u. Deny it more. Sadly u cant hide your emotional outbursts.

So no proof? U just base it on your emotions.
Stop being toxic. Again im rly happy that u wont buy d4~

You can’t argue that your language is the issue while also saying “u” or “ppl” every chance you get… It’s quite clear it’s your first language, you’re just REALLY bad at it.

calling you a cheater (which you are) is what started your whole obsession with me :heart: not because you didn’t agree with me. But please, keep attempting the gas-lighting of pretending I’m angry :rofl: :rofl: it’s comical that you have to stick to that narrative instead of admitting the glaringly obvious. I’m quite literally laughing at your responses because they remind of how a 12 yr old child would argue. It’s giving projection vibes… and I feel like you’re the one who’s angry and having emotional outbursts, because its obvious in how you’re typing and the words that you use.

That is the proof lmao… people who aren’t guilty of cheating don’t defend other people who cheat so adamantly. It’s not a thing. It’ll never be a thing. The fact that you can’t understand that logic also alludes to low IQ. And I truly don’t care if you’re happy I’m not buying D4 lol… it’s not my entire life and I don’t obsess over things like you do :kissing_heart: Keep screaming “yOu’Re bEiNg tOXiC” though if it helps you cope with the fact that you can’t handle simple conversation. That’s your personal issue, not mine. It’s not toxic, you just don’t like it.

Why not? Its a game forum.

Rly? Another conclusion u made based on your emotions?

So where is the proof and which cheat am i using?

So u believe emotional reasoning is proof xD And then u talk about IQ…oh well. I wish u gl with your toxic behaviour. I rly hope u wont buy d4 as u claim even though i have my doubts. I will do like blizzard and ignore u. U actually just toxic and dumb

So why dont u leave the forum instead of coming here to cry and flame ppl who doesnt agree with u? U truly act obsessed.

Your behaviour is toxic. U just lack insight.

IQ is not tested from comments and opinions. Even IQ tests are incorrect, since it can only test certain parts of your brain.
Even if you are correct in this insult, and yes it is one, ( stating others have low iq ), you should refrain from personal attacks.
People can discuss a lot of things over a forum. Can’t handle others opinions, then you should back away.

Emotional reasoning? It’s literally classic psychology lol… I’m done with you dude, you keep touting that I’m emotional, while every single one of your responses has been laden with emotion. :man_facepalming:

They sure can, but I’m not going to just sit here and listen to his personal attacks (that he made first because I called him out for supporting cheaters) while he keeps projecting his delusional narrative.

Crusaders got shafted!
Patch notes seem bias…
Season feels bland?
All my opinions.
New Crusader ideas up @ Season 29 - Redemption of the Crusader! - Crusader - Diablo 3 Forums (
:+1: :smiley:

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Season 29 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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