Lilith (Help me not be confused!)

I’ve posted this on Facebook but I have not received any response. Please someone clear this up?

“When you say the Daughter of Mephisto it implies Lilith has a mother. Who is it? The 3 prime evils were created and then the 4 lesser evils however the only female is Andariel and she can’t be the mother because Lilith is in coeval with the lesser evils. I am very confused. If she doesn’t have a mother and just “came to be”, then why is she called the daughter of Mephisto.”

After I posted this I learned that Andariel is actually Lilith’s daughter. That made me even more confused.

Thank you!

The ‘Andariel is Lilith’s daughter’ claim was retconned with the release of the Book of Cain. The lore now states that Andariel, along with the other six Evils both Prime and Lesser, were birthed from the severed head of Tathamet.

As for who Lilith’s mother is, to the best of my knowledge it has never been explicitly stated. I dug up this thread from the old forums that discusses it a little, which might be of interest to you.

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Thank you,

I get two things from that, either Mephisto and Andariel are Lilith’s father and mother or Mephisto simply created her. Neither makes sense. :frowning:

She is powerful enough to transcend realms and house Diablo until he got stronger. Not even a lesser evil can do that. I don’t think the other primes can do that without the help of soul stones. There is something special and different about her. The stories do not answer what it is.

The power she has is very parallel to the story of Lilith from Christianity. Lilith operates on her own power scale outside of the primes and lessers, I think the “void” is suppose to symbolize that. She isn’t someone you would find in hell.

If this has all been retconed than I feel let down.

That was a part of the Diablo 2 Pandemonium event, as such it’s not canon. She’s certainly powerful; however whether she’s strong enough to contend with the prime evils remains to be seen.

I read that she is coeval with the lessers. Which is why I question everything.

Lilith’s origin and age, like most demons, is unknown to us. However, I believe that she would be younger than the lesser evils given that they and the prime evils formed from Tathamet’s heads followed by the rest of (if not most of) demonkind emerging out of Tathamet’s body.

Now regarding the identity of Lilith’s mother, I believe, and this is pure speculation, that Lilith didn’t have a mother, her only parent is Mephisto. I believe that Mephisto’s essence (hatred) within the Black Abyss (the supposed birthplace and revival area for demonkind) is what produced Lilith along with Lucion.

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Why? Who knows how demons come to be?

This has been retconned and is no longer canon, just like the Pandemonium Event in Diablo II as mentioned by someone in this thread.

*birthed from the seven heads of Tathamet

Rather, she was sent to the Void by Inarius after being defeated on Sanctuary, as per the Sin War Trilogy.


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