Lige regeneration too fast

Just started playing and life regeneration goes too fast cannot die even on expert

That’s not a technical problem.

Requirement Difficulties Available
Create a hero Normal, Hard, Expert
Complete Campaign Normal, Hard, Expert, Master
Level 60 Hero Normal, Hard, Expert, Master, Torment 1-6
Level 70 Hero Normal, Hard, Expert, Master, Torment 1-16

If you want your very first play-through, on your very first hero to be harder than Expert, shout out in the in-game General Chat and ask a level 70 to make a Torment 6 game, invite you into it, and they leave your game. This leaves you in a Torment 6 game, and that should give you more than enough challenge. (If you find it too hard, whilst in-game, press Escape and there’s a button to drop the difficulty by one level).

Once you’ve done the campaign, and the first hero reaches 60, every hero you make from that point on has immediate access to anything up to Torment 6.