LFG (SC) to farm GR 120 and higher

I can solo GR 120 as ww barb

I also have decent zBarb gear, I just need the practice. Since this is my 1st time playing barbarian. Gems are +100

Im a casual player looking to climb. I am currently in a clan, but they mainly play HC this season and are already set in their team comps. Good people. Also I am 40 years old, just in case someone doesnt want to play with an old man

Hopefully I can join a a group or individual that wouldnt mind adding me to their GR climbing group. I can use either Discord, TS and/or in-game voice-chat.


Bookmarked, will add you when i’m online. I’m a zdh playing on NA server. You can also add me on Cheongster#1211 if you’re online.