I’d like to start off by saying thanks to David Kim.
The recent changes to itemization are definitely a step in the right direction as I know most will agree. I also realize nothing is final and development is ongoing but I’d like to share some feedback for the current iteration.
From my understanding a legendary has inherent power that’s specific to that item.
That’s how they exist in DIII at least.
My concern is how legendary consumables will fit into this equation.
The system as of now feels convoluted because all items can potentially use legendary powers and legendary items are no longer unique.
Still I prefer the idea of consumables because it makes sense that “power” can exist outside of and unbound from items.
Moving forward I think it would make more sense if “legendary” affixes were limited to consumables only. Removing a item tier that redefine skills entirely would open the door for something far simpler.
Unique items in Diablo II had a significant purpose that worked really well. Rolls were fixed stats and special to individual items. They were very useful but not game changing or breaking.
Balancing items around this approach will let players experiment with existing affixes, skills and talents first then gradually adapt legendary power later after gaining more experience and consumables start to drop.
I believe this system will provide meaningful choices and enhance the aspect of loot hunting.
Collecting “legendary power” instead of items will change how players build.
Now slots are no longer predetermined and players have the freedom to apply their consumable to any magic or rare of their choosing. Customization that isn’t limited by the existence of legendary items and improved by uniques sounds a lot better.
Mythic items could function similar to unique items but allow players to harness more than one legendary consumable.
I think this direction feels grounded in many ways, but it’s just an idea.
What are your thoughts on the current systems? Blizzard is listening!