Legacy of Dreams needs guaranteed drop

Yes, that is another very good thought which was suggested already, 99 is too massive. Just make it give a bigger buff per level and that’s it.


I hate that BotP is the first to drop. I’m sure there’s a reason, but I usually seek out other gems to level and it just feels like a waste to spend my leveling “points” on a gem that I won’t use once I have the other two I use, and whatever 3rd gem I use for my particular character.

I know everyone else must love that gem and appreciate it being the first to drop. But would it be so terrible if we had a choice for our first gem?

Or if there was a way to “bank” the gem-leveling credit to spend on a new gem. This would only work with a fresh gem and after you stop spending the points, you have to level them up the normal way.

I usually use the Invigorating and Bane of the Trapped as my primary gems. So every gem that drops before I get those, is just wasted time and leveling points. Especially when gems like the B’s Chip drop for a class that I do not want to rely on thorns with. Yet that was the last gem to drop for my thorns crusader…go figure.

Being able to pick my gems would be a great boon. I only use most 5 each season, depending on the class and set, and what I’m trying to do.

I really like the idea of LOD as a guaranteed drop the first time you kill a RG, because that thing solves the problem that some haedrig gifts sets have early season, because things like shadow with 2 pieces bonus oneshoot everything until like t10, meanwhile things like tal rasha,firebird,natalya,inna,etc are super weak. (and before any guy reply my post with “do you want d3 easier”… d3 is already easy and fast, is just tedious to be stuck in low torment/GR content because you get RNG screwed)

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Yep, I would totally be up for this. Freedom of choice for everyone.

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