Leap Quake season 22?

I would love to see Leap Quake on top with the changes to the the BoT and the extra slot on the cube. Maybe cube BoT which leaves options for 1 handed weapons? I don’t think it’s enough, but I’m getting tired of WW.

I like that we might be able to drop GoG for Dread Iron and SS for GS. It’ll create a slightly different play style. EQ Fire and and the ability to pull (GS) is something I’ve always wanted.

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The damage bonus to EQ has been moved to the item’s legendary affix which makes me think it’s now going to be a separate multiplier. Unfortunately, without a buff to the MOTE set, this won’t mean much for EQ–certainly nowhere close to the +15 GRs it needed to be competitive with Rend.

I mean, yeah, we’ll now be able to extract Tribes into the Cube and use . . . Furnace? But the base multiplier is still too small. This is a few GRs buff, but not even in the same ballpark as what we needed.

Incredibly disappointing patch notes.

The 4th Cube slot in Seasons will let you take Dread Iron, but neither Stomp nor Avalanche do any meaningful damage, and GoG is way too much damage to give up. You’d be handicapping the build big time.


That’s a shame. :slightly_frowning_face: (20 chars)

Cube Tribes and wear IB? Does leap contribute to stacks or only when you fury dump?

Only when you use Slam. Or you could spam Battle Rage (this is the only reasonable way to keep up the buff). But, the base damage of the IB swords is way lower, and you still can’t leap any faster, so they would be a bad option.

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You can already do that! Just swap WC or BR out for GS.

i dont think this change to BotT will improve LQ in any meaningful way. I have watched Raxx video and i think he got it wrong… i think he said LQ is getting another 200% but thats not true.

the only goal of this change is to include Avalanche into BotT so we may potentially combine it with Dread Iron and play around that. That is still way behind top builds. Damage to EQ remains 200%. I dont see what is blizz trying to do with this change

WC for GS would be a bad trade off. You’d want to keep both of those skill on your skill bar. GS for BR is much better, didn’t realize BR was a thing for the EQ build these days.

BR is generally better for Leapquake than WC is.

WC is somewhat overrated when it comes to Leap.

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has anyone tried to use Devastator (crafted weapon) with Sankis while cubing BoTT ?
40% fire dmg would seem an interesting way to go…

Sure, you could do that. It’ll be comparable to dual-wielding IB, which is ok but not as good as carrying either Tribes or Furnace and cubeing the other. The 40% extra fire damage gives you an actual boost of about 28%.

Also: ask these questions in the Earthquake thread!