Leaderboards Still Not working

Playing NA Seasonal - 10:56 Aus East stardard Time

Just completed GR 115 with crusader- Rank and PB didnt update - did unlock 116 gr though

I think they are aware of it. Many players are still doing PTR and the PTR boards still show last seasons tallys.
I think by now they are pretty conscious of it.

Congrats on your personal achievement too :slight_smile:


Just read a post on forums from a few days ago saying they had fixed it is all.

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Well I’ll work on augments before pushing then. My plan was to push the board before doing augments and pushing again. Guess that’s changed.

Dunno, my 113 clear showed up on blizzards website leaderboard.

Hello. Do you have the link?
I also just closed a push. But it did not show my result! I’m disappointed, didn’t know about this problem.

It’s random apparently. Also in PTR the reason there is because they have not cleared last PTR.

Hi there. Is it a Normal/Seasonal or a PTR push that you did?

You need to put it in a bug report.

If however you think it is a PTR bug, then that goes in the PTR bug reports - BUT - did you play last PTR if so? It is possible like me, that your PTR character last season went higher than the one you are doing now?

Here is the link if not to PTR bug reports.

To my sadness, it’s On-Live in NS … I didn’t know about this problem and when I completed GR, my record simply didn’t show up. I wonder that they will somehow “solve” this problem, but I find it unlikely :frowning:

Yeah, I’m not too sure on leaderboards and issues with it. I normally don’t even get on them, this season I have a barb on it at 101, DH was not sure now at 110, and my sader at 113 clear.

I know there’s other sites that track leaderboard progress but since I just got for my personal bests, I don’t know how they work or how long it takes to update. Might not even update until you are logged out for “x” amount of time. Just try looking at the boards again tomorrow.

Ok, there is another suggestion I can make? It never hurts to ask. If the answer is no then nothing changes so you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by asking.

Create a support web ticket and tell support if there is no existing bug report you can find to post in? I suggest looking in bug reports first. You can post there. Failing that the worst thing support will tell you is what you already assume, being they cannot do anything. I think it may be lost, but asking never hurt because it might be a problem for others and you have aided in ensuring it eventually stops.

There was a big issue about a week ago but I thought they had fixed it. I have seen random posts since indicating the same thing was sporadically reoccurring. It seems not everyone has been affected.

Yes, from the Bug Report forum…

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Can confirm. Solo, GR 124 on wiz, seasons, NA, 10/20/2019 12:13pm EST, waited a few minutes, no record.

DEFINITELY go to the Bug report link above your post and report it. That sux.