Kindergarten D4 players plz read carefully

How do toddlers change their own diapers?

And then goes on saying the devs and CEO of Blizzard are crying?

The biggest question is how do you play a game that isn’t even released

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Worse, he says “D4 players” as if there’s anything to play.

If you plan to insult others sure. How about not insulting others to make a point.

leave him be xD when you wreck someones feelings so badly that their only option is nerd raging… priceless. thanks for your support appreciated . you’re a good person

a troll from the first word.

Multiplayer can be offline. Like D3 consoles, you can play on the couch with others offline. Offline and multiplayer are not mutually exclusive.

I played a lot of Street Fighter offline with my friends.