Just posted: Submit Your Questions for the BlizzConline Q&As

They said already that was being discussed in the next show. Itemisation etc.

Link please:

This is what they said:

“Speaking of which, our next update will take place during BlizzConline, rather than in blog form. We’ve read speculation about what it could be and want to ensure you that it is something chunky indeed. Without spoiling the surprise, Iet’s just say it involves a new version of the campfire scene we showed you last BlizzCon.”

We’ll also be opening up the inbox again for some additional video, audio, or text questions on February 19, 2021 at 3 p.m. PST following the opening ceremony.

I’d suggest you all first watch the new stuff and then ask the questions to not lose time asking something that’s to be revealed before the Q&A.

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the last update was itemization

Thanks for the suggestion, however I doubt the opening ceramony will answer any of my questions (not that I expect Blizzard to pick and/or answer any of my submitted questions). That said the opening ceramony may inspire further questions for me to ask.

I think it’s pretty pointless to ask questions at this point, they gotta show more for us to see the potential issues.

Hardly. Many of the potential issues seem really clear.
Heck, even Blizzard seems to agree, considering how much they have already changed.

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Well heck I went ahead and asked a simple D4 text question. Thanks

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Thank you.
I also made my question about Diablo 2 Ressurected and trade system D4.

Oh i am glad about a new camp fire scene of course. I hope it has better picture quality. I mean great work but yeah you know what i mean. I need a new background picture afterall lol.

Yes but we didn’t see much gameplay.

point is last update was itemization and runes werent mentioned

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There was no gameplay of it either. I think everyone is looking forward to this update as it should cover more details.

my question is what about StarCraft? the only other blizzard-ip i care about other than Diablo.

I used to post a lot of questions for HoTS Q&A in the past and all I have gotten was either “soon”, “maybe” or outright ignored my questions.

So this time, I am not going to do that.

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What u think is going to happen when 10000 people are gonna commit their questions here?
I guess they will answer FAQs?^^

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You want to know about SC on a Diablo forum in a Diablo Q&A? Trully amazing.

:point_right: Starcraft Forums :point_left:

“Diablo IV, and Diablo Immortal will be answering community-submitted questions”

I was hoping these would be separate panels. I would prefer if the D4 time was not taken up with D:I questions. I am not sure why they are using two panels to talk about art when D4 and D:I should have a separate panel for Q&A.

By all means, list several.

They did iterate on stats and itemization, skill tree and so on.
My speculation is, that the major problems will be with whatever Paragon like system they come up with…
As well as the low level cap. If DLCs and expansions raise the level cap, that for me would be the major problem, as this is not Diablo.

Their repeated desire to have a paragon system is definitely one of them. Horrible.

Their hint toward gear scaling in end-game (at Blizzcon 2019). Catastrophic if that is the case. I’d gladly suffer paragon 2.0 over that.

Attribute system being really lackluster, especially having a useless attributes per class

Skill tree being really lackluster compared to other new A-RPGs. Not enough skill upgrades.

Not enough skills/skill diversity. Seems like D3 will have way way more different skills than D4, due to the skill runes.

Speaking of skill diversity, what happened to skill lvls.

Blizzard saying a max lvl character can fill up 30-40% of the skill tree, which would be silly, pretty much remove the basic concept of making build through hard choices, and make most builds within a class the same (so much for the new respec cost promise)

Attributes limiting rather than expanding skill upgrade choices. Each skill upgrade should interact with all attributes.

Item affixes being too specialized for each class, repeating D3s mistake

While claiming they want to balance rares, legendaries and uniques, what is show so far easily looks like it will be uniques > legendaries > rares

Forced multiplayer overworld

No monster resistances. Lack of incentive for multi-dmg type builds.

Allowing some items to be traded, at the expense of quality gear progression

Lack of impactful death penalty?

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