July 13 - D2:R News: Technical Alpha Learnings

I will, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, leave this note here for the developers;

PLEASE make sure that if you’re going to allow “Always Show Items Labels” that skill activation on mouse clicks don’t get hung up on the item’s label (or even on the monster’s hitbox) . It is extremely detrimental and broken for Whirlwind Barbarians or any class reliant on constant depression of the mouse to be effective.

I don’t feel leaving it in this state is conducive to a good gameplay experience and has only garnered negative feedback ever since the game came out.

To elaborate a bit;

Current iteration of skill useage in Diablo 2 - If you hold your RMB down and activate your Show Item Label button (alt), often times, almost always, it will override the skill use priority and allow labels and monster hitboxes to highlight and will force your character to run/target/attack whatever is under your cursor, usually resulting in death.

For Whirlwind barbarians, you’d often end up whirlwinding straight into a pack of monsters, or if you were holding alt and whirlwinded at just the right time, you wouldn’t move at all.

Some times this would even cause the infamous ballerina effect to the WW Barbarian and make you either spin in place, or infinitely follow a monster while whirlwinding and it is impossible to stop yourself in either of those states.