❤ I’m No Feeling The Love From Blizz!

Are you?..


Still getting content for free so many years later.

I am feeling the love and would like to express my gratitude to Blizzard for working so hard through the pandemic to keep things going!

Thank you!

:kissing: :kiss:


Not a lot. Diablo 2 is overrun with bots and Diablo 4 looks like a D3 clone.

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What kind of fake love do you want to feel from a multi-billion dollar mega-corp run by people who couldnt care less about you?


There is nothing called blizz anymore … its Activision blizzard.

The moment they asked us " Don’t you have phones " it was the obvious sign that players interest was not a priority as it used to be and cash grab is wot they focus on now.

I hope D4 would be the project that remind us how they used to be the best in the industry.

The competition in the gaming industry is high now… If they fail … they will fall …


There won’t be enough hype for D4 cause people can see it looks exactly like D3. I don’t care that D3 did well on metacritic, sure it’s a fun time for someone who has never played a pc game perhaps and Blizzard can buy off all the reviews they want; however, the player score is a 4.1/10. People don’t want Diablo 3 again. I hope it fails if what we’ve seen so far (d3) is going to be how it is.

I have played extensively on PC. My first game on the PC was Diablo. I find D3 fun and enjoyable, and I have been playing off and on since launch. So your statement that it’s fun for someone who has never played a PC game is false.

Diablo, D2, Hellfire, LoD, FF14, SWTOR, Dragonage, Mass Effect, WoW, Overwatch, HotS, LoL, Runescape, Bioshock, and I could go on.


I do not feel the love from blizzard, more specifically from D3 Devs. Listening and actually doing something are 2 different things. IMO if a game wants to be successful it needs to listen AND make series of good decisions based on their players feedback/suggestions to improve the game. Currently I dont feel like recommending this game to freinds and family. It’s fun to play the game as a “new player” but at the end of the tunnel there will be disappointment.


But which players to listen to? A quick jaunt through this forum alone shows that no one can agree on what the game “needs”. So listening, seeing the feedback, does NOT mean they will use it. They have all the other people to worry about as well. The big picture is that there are thousands playing the game, and only a small minority come to the forums. So it’s hard to know exactly what the players want from that small sample.

Put another way. An Ice Cream shop opens up with the top three flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry. A hundred people buy ice cream. Five of them come back, wanting the ice cream to be creamier. Another five come saying they want more flavors. And yet another five come back saying it’s too creamy. 85 people never come back to provide feedback, just to enjoy ice cream. What should the owners of the shop do based on this?


They should see the 4.1/10 user score on metacritic and turn this D3 clone into a D2 like game. The pro D3 feedback is the minority and you should mostly ignore them (don’t worry D3 fans, Blizz is obliging to your wishes and you will have your dumpster fire of a game back).

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That’s down to the D2 fanbois nerd raging and giving the game zeros and ones under multiple accounts.

A much more accurate measure of how the game was recieved is the units sold, which D3 did OK in , yes? Must have done, otherwise they wouldn’t be making Immortal or D4. If D3 ‘failed’ as hard as the D2 mob wish it did, they’d have said ‘we’re wasting our time with both the IP and this genre, no one buys it’. But the truth is the D3 was a huge commercial success. Fact.

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A simple answer is “Listen to the majority”. If an idea is backed up with tons of support from the community then thats the idea to listen to. Those who doesnt want to or doesnt know how to voice their opinion pretty much doesnt care about the future, they just enjoying the game as it is, and if something they cared about got changed they have the option of getting on forums and voicing their opinion like the rest of us.

Have a set of the original ice creams and another set of creamier ice creams…

Nah dude, people bought the game because they loved D2 or Blizzard (hype, this won’t be there for D4 as it is now) then they were disappointed. For example, I bought the collector’s edition and think the game is junk. Who has the time to make multiple Metacritic accounts just to bash D3, you need multiple emails to do that. There isn’t some crazy conspiracy, Metacritic is riddled with scores from 0s to 10s in the user reviews, I even saw someone give it a 10 and say it wasn’t as good as D2 which is weird.


I never felt love from Blizzard.

Blizzard is a company, not a person.

D3 was an heir to fortune and any # of possible iterations could easily be as popular as the clumsy ham-fisted D3 that we got.

Likewise, with the exception of Arenanet’s Guild Wars I have never actively followed “former Blizzard employees”. I’m just a sucker for Tolkien-style medieval fantasy and Warcraft is too much fun.


I don’t really follow individual developers from any company since game development is such a team effort. Hearing that a game has David Brevik working on it doesn’t mean much to me even if he was on the team that made Diablo 1 and 2.

At most I might pay more attention if they’ve got a certain composer or writer, but I’m still not buying the game purely because of that.


Wait, so there were 15 million plus D2 players who all purchased two copies each? Sure.

For the vast majority of the playerbase, D3 is their first Diablo game, and what a 20 year old game from a different company was or wasn’t like ‘back in the day’ is of little or no relevance. And D4 will bring a whole new generation of players into the franchise to join the millions from D3 who will be buying and playing D4.


Wrong, I don’t want to spend the energy explaining why again. Sure, 4.1 user score; the greatest Diablo ever.

Zizz sums it up nicely.

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They never loved you. They never will.

D3 is an amazing and popular ARPG by almost any standard. A few butt-hurt D2 fanbois don’t change that.

If you don’t like it - I respect that, but clumsy and ham-fisted it is not.

Cheers mate!

Good luck in your search for the perfect D2 replica.