It's ironic you have chosen d3 items

Sorry i don’t associate myself with trash games like you do, or did you not read my previous posts ?

Which is a very strange thing, because you are advocating for changes that would make D2R just like games you consider “trash”.

You have an immense lack of self-awareness.


To be honest it should have been something like Natalya’s cape for Assassin players (stays consistent with D2), they missed out on a ton of money.

No, not at all that, but i am glad we found your limited capacity for thinking out of the box.

Cosmetics are surely not exclusive to d3.

Maybe for the first time in god knows how many years, Blizzard put the customers first instead of money?

So blizzard, let’s see some cosmetics that was made for the game from scratch rather than reselling asset flips and old d3 products.

Make the desirable for d2 fans to actually buy it aswell.

I agree they put the customers first here. But it doesn’t mean that all cosmetics would ruin the game. League of legends for example just “drips” their skins for each character every 6 months - 3 years+ and the game hasn’t been oversaturated in cosmetics.

Diablo 3 wasn’t done right. It takes a real game dev to implement features in properly.

… sometimes you don’t get ‘the wings’. That’s part of what makes them so cool on the angels.

I’m trying to think of an in depth way to say it…. However I think simply saying ‘less is more’ and ‘no you can’t’ will suffice.

Well I want a hoverboard then.


True, but if a game like D2 required cosmetics to be (more) popular, that would a dead game like D3.
The only type of cosmetics I would ever accept is the ones that can only be earned via extremely difficult challenge or grinding. Not the ones that you can buy.
The one half decent example from D3 is the Green Leathery Wings.

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Blizzards last quarterly update on D4 was half about all the cosmetic options… maybe the OP should go look at those videos instead.

They’re pretty good eye candy not gonna lie. Leave the 20 y/o game alone you (not gonna say it)


I want them to do these as ladder incentives, but like you say extremely challenging. Like placing within the top 10 for your character (Natalya’s cape for Assassins). This would have thousands of people trying their AssAssins off each ladder to gain these for years.

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This would only actually be a reward/incentive if they can stop botting in a serious way.


I think you missed the interview where they basically said they werent adding in a bunch of stupid crap like that and keeping the game as close to the original as possible.Yeah you might have bought it a long with a lot of other people but whats more important,a adding stuff like that into the game and pissing a lot of OG d2 players off and losing a bunch of sales for the game or a few dollars for some cosmetic stuff.Want this game to die like d3 did,just start adding things and changing the game.

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Yup agreed, if they can’t stop botting then bots would try to sell these things. But I don’t think it would be hard for Blizzard to verify these top 10 accounts.