"It seems you have already taken this survey"

I received an email yesterday about taking a survey regarding D2R. When I clicked the link I got the error message in the title. It’s not likely someone has hacked my email since mobile authentication is required. There is zero chance anyone had access any of my physical devices. There’s someone else complaining about the same issue on reddit. I suspect someone has found a way to figure out the url links to take other people’s surveys. If there is a way to delete my accounts results for this emailed survey, feel free.

Maybe you received the email a bit late, then they simply closed the survey for new input but left an inappropriate error message ?

I received it on the 19th which is the day it went up on reddit. I didn’t attempt to fill it out until the morning of the 20th. I would think if the survey was simply closed the message would have said something to that effect or at least not “you have already taken the survey” but who knows :man_shrugging: