Is there a way to turn off

The autoplay videos in the Battlenet launcher? It’s really annoying, for one, and two, it eats up my hotspot data without my permission. I’ve checked the settings and can’t seem to find where you can turn them off. Does anyone know? Is it really just…you can’t turn the autoplay videos in the launcher off? Because if so, that needs to be fixed, imo.


What video are you seeing auto-play? If you could let me know which game tab it’s displaying on and what the content is about, that would help a lot!

Generally speaking, videos should show up with a static or GIF background with a “play” button superimposed on them, like this one on Overwatch currently:


Most of our launcher assets are GIFs rather than videos, which do auto-play, but those shouldn’t be terribly bandwidth intensive.

If the behavior is otherwise, I may need to pass on feedback or a possible bug. We don’t typically set up videos to auto-play in the launcher, but I know there was a case in the past where hosted Twitch streams would automatically play. Let me know what your experience is so I can check it out!

You do not need Battle Net launcher to play Diablo III. Just do not run it at all. Run the game directly: “Diablo III.exe” -launch

We had a discussion on this at the end of August. The OP never returned to give the requested info, but others did give insights as to what it might be. This thread may help if you are looking for feedback and info

This has changed…

Pardon the name on the quote - it doesn’t work properly when quoting a quote.

Regarding this - a new tab wouldn’t help anyway as the information is loaded anyway even if you aren’t on the tab (you can see this with the GIFs like the one for the new BlizzCon VTicket items). You can be in the Social tab, then click over to the Games tab and the GIF will be at any random point during its cycle. It plays even when not in the foreground or is hidden.

The app is very, very badly coded with regard to resource management. This, along with its propensity for downloading updates to the game you’re playing while you’re playing and thus corrupting your game files, is why the recommended setting is to have the app close when launching a game.

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Ok - I hate that it makes that look like I said it :frowning:


I do not use Battle Net app at all since it introduction. I played just yesterday using desktop shortcut for 64-bit version of Diablo III. Everything was working as usual. I launch Battle Net application only when there is a new patch to download it and then exit it and do not use till the next patch.

Seems the advice of the blue poster was wrong then.

It may not only corrupt the game files, it may corrupt even itself. It happened to me once with some exception showing when launching. I load the auto-backup from the Launcher folder and it updated fine after that.

So, yes, they can improve in that direction.