Is the PTR down?

I thought it was supposed to go live today?

Every time I try to get on it says that a new patch is available and it boots me but then it doesn’t update the client, even when I click search for updates from the options menu.

Yes, which is why Blizzard announced a delay…


It is not down, because it was never up.


is there gonna be a release time? or just may 24?

They gave no release date besides saying that it’ll be released some time next week; so I’m guessing the time frame would be somewhere from the 26th to the 28th (29th is unlikely considering it’s a Friday). We’ll have to wait and see.

They never give a time for when the PTR comes up, just a date.
General rule of thumb though is mid to late afternoon Pacific time.

yeah usually 7 pm here but was hopin for an update i kinda set aside some time to play and its still not ready fml…