Is the Discord Overlay allowed?

There are streamers using it on Twitch all the time.

That’s why I said I personally consider it an allowed cheat and I’ve never used it because of that.

Hey Key this isnt too hard. here is the blanket statement:

So THUD and the discord overlay is bannable.
OP then asks about the discord overlay specifically and is told:

If you have not received the exact same response regarding THUD guess what? It’s not allowed.

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I suspect there is a portion of the playerbase that is going to try and justify continued use of THUD on the fact that Blizzard did not “denounce it specifically by name”, even though it’s quite obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than plantlife that the statements they’ve made thus far indicate that it’s on the naughty list.

In some peoples’ brains, not giving it a to-the-letter, undeniable “NO” is equivalent to saying “yes”, while the rest of us understand that if one follows the spirit of the statements already given, it’s not allowed.


See ya enjoy the crappy map designs with dead ends

This is hilarious. I love the logic that companies use today. Basically people, here’s how to sum it up in a way everyone can understand: Will Blizzard make more money by allowing it? No, then it is wrong. Yes, then it is acceptable.

If you pay for four copies of the game and multibox to gain the advantage of having a full party bonus at all times in order to be able to more efficiently play and gain items and paragon levels, that is fine. If however, you only own a single copy of the game and want to play alone, it is not fine to automate any repetitive process in order to minimize the amount of manual actions you have to take and save wear and tear on your physical body, which would be minimized if you received exp and items at the same rate as people who choose to play together in a full party.

In summation, feel free to buy four copies of the game and multibox in order to gain an advantage over other players who cannot afford to do so or don’t understand how to do so. However, do NOT automate any process because that would give you an advantage over other players who cannot afford to do so or don’t understand how to do so.

To break it down more generically:
Feel free to use a process that splits a signal into four identical streams of information, because that is more like copying your actions from one specific action into four specific actions. However, do not use a process that automates one specific action. Because, according to Blizzard, on computers it is fine if you copy bits of data being transmitted, but it is not fine to automate the transmission of bits.

So, to now apply this line of thinking to the distribution of digital content; feel free to pirate anything you want because you are just copying bits of data that are being transmitted from a single source. Some one paid for a movie and is now sharing, I mean copying, those bits of information to other destinations. I have one movie, but now I have four of the same movie, which makes it easier to lend to other people. Even better, I can just put this one movie on my computer with one mouse and keyboard and make it accessible to whomever because my computer is an internet connected server that is hosting content for anyone who happens to find it. Er, wait, would I be automating the distribution of the movie at that point? I guess so.

I know, how about this? If someone on Netflix is watching something, you know, streaming bits of information, it is acceptable to copy those bits of data and send them to other viewers on the same network for free. For example, if I have one Netflix account and hundreds of patients at my hospital, I can copy my bit-stream to all rooms for them to enjoy. All I have to due is make sure to multicast the bit-stream so it is copying the bits to other recipients on the same network and all is good to go as it is just copying. All I am doing is manually beginning the playback of the Netflix entertainment content and then transmitting the datastream to be copied to however many destinations I choose. It is not reading protected (game) memory, automating actions (gameplay), or otherwise modifying the (game) original content.

Oh and don’t worry, I know how this forum works. I will kick myself out now. Sorry to have wasted your time, but it was fun for me :cowboy_hat_face:


They are encouraged and used at all levels of play. The developers are 100% fine with them. Most of them are very easy to use. They show your deck, what cards you’ve drawn, the chance of drawing the card you want based on the number left in the deck, the cards your opponent has played, and similar information.

I saw what information it provided.

I’ve since stopped playing hearthstone until it becomes built in to the game or prohibited and prevented from being used.

lol. Blizzard will never do either.

They could at the very least okay using it then.

The amount of time it would take me to keep track of the information it provides subtracts from the contemplating for decision making I have to make on which card to play. It’s like a math test competition where someone is allowed to use a calculator and the other person wasn’t sure so they didn’t bring one with them.

Like a spelling bee when one person has access to a dictionary and the other person wasn’t told that this was a special spelling bee, where the rules permit the use of dictionaries.

Discord Overlay does not provide any extra information about the game, it shows only Discord stuff.
Other known overlays (such as TurboHub and others I don’t know the name) display extra information from the game.

That’s the main difference between both and why Discord Overlay is allowed.

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