Is D2R a time sink that most aren't ready for?

I called you names? Show me.

Show me the very first post to call for increased drop rates, and prove to me it was a ffa person.

I am ready, thats all that matters. I cant wait for that thrill to find my first tals armor again, first HR, first everything.


After Personnal loot, charm inventory, “remove enigma”, nerf teleport, bigger inventory, here we go !

“Increase drop rate please”

Diablo2 is definitly not a game for you.


Looting/farming games ARE time sink.

if people want everything quickly and directly , it’s not the type of game that correspond to their taste , especially not older games like this one.
Atleast when it comes to drop rate.

it being long to get what you want is what makes it diablo 2.


You didn’t need to be Nostradomus to predict that people would ask for higher drop rates next. It’s just the natural progression.


Wait…you honestly believe the first ask for increased drop rates in D2R happened two days ago? lol

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the first one since personal loot being put on the shelf till after launch yes.

just saw what you wrote there, don’t worry they are a loud minority, this is why they are in such a hurry to flood each post, if you look at the surveys you will see that it’s alright :slight_smile:

You made the statement “the ffa crowd was the first ones to ask for increased drop rates” without any context. You didn’t say “…since ploot was squashed” and I didn’t respond that way either. Why would I? To make that assumption is silly. There have been calls for increased drops before and after Fergusson dashed the dreams of ploot. Those calls will continue, probably on both sides if I’m being honest. But to say “FFA did it first! Nah nah nah boo boo.” Come on. lol

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the context was a response to your post

which clearly says they didn’t get their way which would imply we are talking about after the tweet about it not changing for launch.

I told you that’s what they would demand.


Strange, because it was someone from your side that was making comments so bad I can’t repeat them here even in quotations, I am sure you know what I mean.

True. They would have demanded it if they did get their way as well.

They just want the game to be easier.


Yes, it’s the entitlement that bothers me.


It is a game you pay for when you buy.
Not saying Blizzard don’t want to keep people playing, of course they do. But someone stopping to play the game is not exactly a big problem.

Yes, definitely. But you don’t need those rare drops. Game is very playable without.
D2s droprates is a strength!


Yeah, I was responding to a p-loot proponent who now wants increased drops. He’s being covert about it, but the message is clear. Anyways. You misinterpreted what I said. And I misinterpreted your response. I am clearing it up for you. I meant show me the first EVER post to call for increased drop rates, and prove to me it was a ffa proponent.

Yeah, Deli. Literally hurling death threats

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I don’t have the time to play (or physical ability for that matter) as I used to. That does not mean I want more better loots… I just want it. So, I will play alone where I am guaranteed that, should something fall, I can pick it up and not have to engage someone else.

My computer games are not intended to be social - I have TTRPGs for that.


Someone on one “side” compared to all on the other “side”.

It can be for potential expansion to keeping the Diablo name alive. If you turn away 70% of the population, will Blizzard keep going with Diablo in any sense. Will D2R have a population or will id be like D2 currently is with most people playing on private servers?

You were proving you have no reading comprehension and simply chose to remain willfully ignorant so you can continue with your toxicity.

Sound about where I am. Although I haven’t played TTRPGs in a long time, I’ve toyed with the idea of trying to get back into them with the Tabletop Simulator or a Roll 20 type setup. Not a lot of game shops nearby.