Is D2R a time sink that most aren't ready for?

jeah whatever.
chars…bla…go play d3 …

never played D3. I dunno why you purists are always advocating D3.

You should go back to vanilla LoD since you love no changes so much.


Yeah, D2 is Free Handouts: The Game.
Trading itself is easy mode.

In any case, droprates should not change. Having to rely on mid tier items is a positive thing for the game, and where many newer A-RPGs fail.

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theres a remaster for us to play you know and if YOU dont like it as it should be YOU can play anything else.

again…and again…
you seem to be too stupid or stubborn to realize that it is not a new game.
after MONTHS. but i’m not surprised either.


Me being the adult I am, know there will be bots. So I need not say anything else.

You mean the D2R remaster that has already implemented many changes making it very different from the original D2LoD?.. is this the game you don’t want changes made to? Too late. Changes have been made and if the game is successful, more changes will be made.

If you don’t like an updated Diablo 2 game, maybe you should follow your own advice and go play something else like D2 LoD. It’s still there for you.

But this post isn’t about making changes. It’s about how ready people will be when an old school drop rate D2R is released? The reality is, it’s probably been a good 10 or 15 years since most of us have played D2LoD on Bnet.

Good? the grind should be fun for everyone then.

Well, for most of them the drop rates will be far better than they remember, at least for Runes. They’re far easier to find than back when most players actively played, in 1.09.

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very different ? no. They only put in stuff that was ANNOUNCED, that was explained and that mostly concerns ONLY QoL. No nonsense that has no place in the game.

What is partly DEMANDED here (as if anyone would have to demand something here) is complete nonsense that would turn the game upside down.

I don’t think you’re ready for the original D2/LOD based on your posts about changes and extensive mod playing.

I think i will have an easier time in returning to the game once i take a break from it.

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Really? I recall them saying the remaster would include bugs and all, then fixing bugs that had people all up in arms. I remember them saying gameplay wouldn’t change then adding in gameplay changes to accommodate people with disabilities. Extra stash tabs? Sharable stash tabs? Merc vendor UI changes? All added after saying the game would be left alone.

I don’t see anything being demanded. This thread isn’t even about demands. All I see are crazies that read this and filled in their own narrative that this thread was a cry for changes, which it wasn’t. All you’re doing is following their ignorance.

I don’t know who this is geared towards.

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bugs are bugs… not more to say… shared stash was explained why… QoL is self explanatory (merc vendor ui changes ? dont know what you mean; maybe the gamble reset ?)
and oh you remember gameplay wouldnt change?
nice; i hope that still applies.

all the little stuff that is already build in is just that. Little small QoL changes…
and apparently BUGS that V.V. thinks do NOT belong in the game.
I know what you mean. (what they said about the bugs staying in the game) But if they are bugs that rather disturb the game then I’m for fixing them.

and really? You’re against making changes to the game to accommodate people with disabilities? Are you serious?

Extra stash tabs i dont mind…I did not ask for it

People have plenty to say. VV/Bliz said “the game would be the same, bug and all” then fixed bugs. People are still crying. One threat was made that he was leaving because the bug was fixed and many agreed.

Is it self explanatory to those fighting every change from the original D2LoD but keep their mouths shut when the change is one they like? It just sound hypocritical to me.

Everything else is you justifying hypocrisy. You like it so it’s an acceptable change.

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and yes of course it is. And I would be completely satisfied if the game had ONLY better graphics and sound. Nothing more.

And i actually don’t know exactly what you meant by “Merc Vendor UI Change”. ?!

Now we can see the skills a merc has when hiring them.

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I would rate as QoL… wouldn’t you ?
no idea where the problem is.

I have no idea what the problem is with any change that you can opt out of without gimping yourself.

But there is quite a bit of hypocrisy with the anti-change group accepting changes just because they like it, while frantically fighting other changes that they can simply toggle off.

To be honest I long for the real “grind”, one thing you shouldn’t do however, make it feel a forced march, don’t think “I need this cool character before tomorrow” but enjoy the road getting their.
I dislike the D3 being finished with the game after a few days and then its slowly gaining power through upgrading the items, not the chance of a better item or a new build that unlocks because you find something interesting, nothing exciting just a slow progress and it feels a lot more than a grind to me.


Boy this is a QoL change. and QoL changes as well as accessibility changes have been announced.

Apparently Mr. Lumpus would like Blizzard to let him know about every little change or ? And ask him if it would be “approved” ?

Agreed. I kind of like settling into a character and inching up their capabilities.

Boy, auto allocated loot is also a QoL/accessibility change yet you seem to draw a line with that change… hence you accept changes you like and hypocritically yell “no changes, go play D3” when it’s something you don’t like.

Apparently Mr. Firetail can’t read. I could care less what changes they make if I can toggle it off. I could care less if they make no more changes at all.

What I am not is a hypocrite saying changes are ok when they like it and yell about changes when they don’t. This is you.