Is anything being done about the BROKEN GAME

How long are parties going to be hard because: I cant post broadcasts, half my friends show as non seasonal?

Are you guys aware that its been weeks? Is anything planned? You patched the game and there was no change at all on our end. The game is more broken with every update. Have you just abandoned the game? If so tell us so we can abandon it too.

Yes, they are. That’s why there’s a stickied thread at the top of the forum with blue responses in it…

You misunderstand the purpose of my post. One blue said that player lvl 0 was resolved. Its not. Its been far too long to be justifiable. Most of the season has been broken and everyone’s leaving because of it. No matter what they are saying, it should have first of all never happened, second of all never lasted this long. Not to mention the other bugs from the new legionaries like squirts.

This game was already borderline bad before all this with bounties and reforges being basically useless and completely unrewarding for the amount you have to invest, and greater rifts being mostly trash having to fish hundreds of keys to get a decent leader-board clear. Not to mention the player base in NA being virtually non existent and falling every season having around 800 or so players TOTAL paragon 1500 or above.

Things like this are the brick that broke the camels back. I want to play and enjoy this game, but they seemed determined to prevent me and everyone else from doing that.

You appear to be irritated… and thoroughly confused.

Blizzard knows and said “Edit, I appeared to have locked the thread down prematurely :confused: The level 0 issue appears to be persisting. Leaving this thread closed as I’ve now responded here:” (List of Bugs After Maintenance 9/10 and 9/18 - #135 by Araxom). Then there’s also this post : Repost - List of Bugs After Maintenance 9/10 and 9/28 - #3 by Araxom. So yeah… they know about it and are working on it.

Are you complaining that a farming game actually requires you to farm ? Get real… if you don’t like the game the way it is, there are plenty of other games.

This thread is becoming more of a discussion about the game than a bug report… perhaps you should move it to General Discussion. Edit your first post by clicking on the pencil tool under it, and change Bug Report for General Discussion, and re-save the post.

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This post is for blizzard. Consider being less liberal with your sanctimony. No one asked you. If you were anything more than a casual player you would be agreeing with me. Plebs wouldn’t have a problem with it.

I don’t have to explain myself to you anyway. And Ill keep my post where I like.

yes something is being done about the bug…first blizzard is locking posts that mention it to much and get to much attention…apparently its easier to just keep hiding the problems than fix it…here, ill solve the mute(in reality a ban) problem…unmute players and I bet they can suddenly play…oh well, back to playing EA games, at least they are honest about their money grabs…