Invoker sucks, leave Norvald ALONE!

The Invoker change could transition the build away from being a mere elite hunter if it works as suspected. Changing the main attack from Punish to Slash and applying the Omnislash belt into the build could make it great against trash too.


Great minds think alike. I love the thorns Crusader and cannot wait to try him again soon.


Valor has been trending down for a while. It’s not a huge nerf thou. Just gotta switch back to shield of fury. It’s still a 300% bonus after a few seconds.
Invoker is going to be a lot better… I would not count it out. If you ever tried it before you know how good it is against solo targets. Now it will do that to the whole area slash hits. It could be REALLY REALLY good.

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FALSE invoker is going to be GREAT

So, with the upcoming Norvald’s Fervor nerf what would be the best weapon/shield combo for an Invoker Crusader? I want to start testing on the PTR tonight.

My old Invoker was using Pig Sticker (for the excellent attack speed to apply Thorns with) and an Akarat’s Awakening shield (due to blocks giving CDR). I’ll start with that.

And Furnace in the Cube, correct?

Weird. I quoted you, Meteorblade, and as I posted the quote disappeared.

Yes Furnace in the Cube.

If you quote the entire post directly above you, the system autodeletes the quote since it’s redudant.

Slash / Carve, Omnislash in Cube, Bombardment on the ability bar, and a fresh PTR era leaderboard…

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That’s one downside for me…not having the belt of Trove in the Cube and having to manually cast Bombardment.

Well, it just means that I’m pressing 1, 2, 3 and 4 all the time rather than just 1, 2 and 3. For speed-farming, e.g. bounties / rifts, you could swap the Omnislash back to Trove in the Cube, I guess, and change Furnace to Echoing Fury.

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It does if you’re not using that :poop: boring “shotgun” build.

I suggest you try really hard to zip it unless you actually play the non-shotgun build. How’s that for reality?

The shotgun build sucks. I’m not using that. I’m a pure FoH.

So drop of max 4GRs equals a dead build? :man_facepalming:

Invoker is definitely looking more competitive on the S26 PTR. It’s not #1 as of this minute, but it’s also not in last place, so that’s a good thing.

It was before the server went wonky. :wink:

What the heck? Look on the NA 4 man PTR and the Crusader has 3 Legendary gems in his torso. ??? How?

Due to a bug legendary gems could be socketed into armor pieces. Expect this to be fixed.

That’s because the legendary gems obtained from the PTR caches can be socketed into anything, not just jewellery. It’s a bug, and it was reported yesterday.

it’s still a considerable nerf shield of fury only stacks on a single target at a time making you mainly an elite hunter and you’ll deal next to no damage in packs the higher you go you must keep this in mind … I still think that post nerf Norvalds is still more powerful than shield of fury build for that very reason