Incorrect spelling for Natalya's Set

Rain of Vengenance (6 piece bonus) is spelt wrong, 2 piece has correct spelling.

“Vengeance” spells correctly in-game and in game guide.
Though, you have misspelled with an extra “n” in the middle.

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This is not a bug.

Maskraider is correct.

A quick check with an online dictionary could have prevented you from embarrassing yourself:

The spelling was taken from one of the recent promo youtube videos someone did for S20. 2 piece spelling was correct as ‘Rain of Vengeance’, 6 piece has a different spelling for the same word as ‘vengenance’. You can’t spell a word two different ways. I don’t have any Natalya’s set items to actually check live in game myself though.

This forum is for bugs in “live” version, and 2.6.8 is NOT live yet.
2.6.7 has no spelling mistake.
Why don’t you wait for few days, after 2.6.8 is released? or, reported it during PTR period (on PTR Bug Report forum)?
Also, a good bug report should give the details, such as “2.6.8 PTR”, and a link to the video you mentioned. Read the pinned post “How to Write a Good Bug Report”

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Screenshot, taken today, with 2.6.8 on live EU…
No spelling mistakes.

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Seen. Maybe it was an old spelling error but the youtube content creator used an old pic. Either way its fixed now.