"In-game characters no longer be named after real employees"

Thankfully China does not own ATVI or Blizzard. They own Riot and GGG (PoE).

Supporting democracy is not going to get someone removed from the game list as an easter egg. Their issue is with live broadcast stuff which I get. It was still wrong to punish him like that though and I am glad they went back on it.

Doctor’s wear masks for a reason and you wear hats, shoes, and sunscreen for a reason. Are they perfect? No. Does it help keep you from spraying spit all over people as you talk? Yes.

As for vaccines, sure, you can have an opinion and nobody will pin you down and stick a needle in you. But nobody else has to let you work there or let you in. Also, the Supreme Court upheld mandatory vaccinations long ago. Public health > people who are anti-science.

Again, though, those are false issues that you are throwing out there. Blizz does not care if someone prefers to stay home and not get vaxxed. Although, anyone who safely can, should. Same reason we got smallpox, polio, mumps, measles, etc. Even things that might not kill you can cause permanent issues.

Sexual harassment and abuse. So yeah, they have reasons not to make him a HERO character.

You are comparing easter eggs and totally arbitrary social stuff, with someone involved in really bad direct actions while a staff member at Blizzard.