Improvements to Trading

I know this master piece is finally coming out soon but it would have been nice to have some improvements to trading.

You should be able to preview the item that is being sold by a seller without joining the game. So you can see the varied stats on the items etc.

There should be a search game function for items, so you can find the item you are looking for faster. Example would be searching for a soj or enigma would bring up every game where those items are being traded.

Games should be categorized into pvp, pve, and trading where you can search for the type of games you want to find.

Feel free to make suggestions. It is 2021, we can do it!


All of this would become a reality with an in-game trading post.

Somehow I doubt it’s coming. But you never know.

There’s also too many JSP users who don’t want this coming to D2:R, because it would cut in on their action. Hmpf.


Anything to improve in game trading would be great.

David Brevik said that trading was designed to be a big part of the game for social and community reasons. The item drop rates are low for this reason.

Trade should not be neglected in terms of QoL.


I respect him for that considering D1 had no trading system.

All we can do is keep spreading the word. Maybe if enough people get on board with the idea, it will twist Blizzards arm enough to do it.


i think you misunderstand jsp users… i use jsp… but if they had an actaul trading post like what POD or POD has.

i would have absolutely no issue using that instead.

POD for example will ban you if they catch u using JSP and not their trading post

and PoE iirc does the same

blizzard however really cant complain as they dont HAVE an alternative,
and sadly they dont seem inclinded to make one.

its all comes down to money… management is probably looking like…
why should we pay to implement one? pay to run it, to control it… to keep to safe from abuse and hacks, and then ban people who go around it… when we can sit back and do nothing? and let people use jsp?

unfortunately that how management sees things.
why should “THEY” do the work if someone is already doing it FOR them… for free

that being said… i have no idea wtf blizzard management is thinking… doing a ton of work on "
console lobbies when the easiest solution is to just implement a simple system like pc has.

and why they changed WSG and EBUGG rather than annoying bugs like fury/fend/ feral rage and other things…

i don’t have a PROBLEM with them fixing them but, that like not at all where i would start… i would fix the breaks that ruin gameplay before i touch the ones that make it better



No, I don’t misunderstand JSP users.

What I do understand is there are a lot of users who are heavily invested into JSP.

Which means there will be a lot of users that won’t easily give up the JSP trading platform.

Something like an official Blizzard trading platform would cause JSP trades to plateau and possibly taper off as time goes on.

This would spell bad news for those heavily engrained in JSP which is why I said a lot, or too many JSP users don’t want this coming to D2:R.

If I had said “all JSP users don’t want this coming to D2:R”, then I’d better understand your response.


I swear, all these posts are dropping about the same subject at the same time…this is some planned 4chan level forum flooding but with less than 10ppl lol

Link discord where you all plan these ideas.

to be fair, D1s multiplayer code was done by people not from blizzard north lol.

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You sellin that trading post idea like its your mix tape. :smirk: (good idea tho)

You know it isn’t coming. We all know it. Hell, consoles dont even get the OG trading lobbies… so expecting they are going to add in a trading hub when they’ve done the opposite… Better chance that they change the amazon back to a hot lady. lol


wouldn’t it make sense to make a in game trading board where you can post items or requests especially because consoles don’t have a chat/game lobby?

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Absolutely it would make sense. Yes. But we all know how sense and Blizzard are usually mutually exclusive. They’ve taken away from the game out of laziness. Therefor expecting them to do more in this regard is pretty foolish.

Like i said, there’s a much better chance of them dealing with one of the other dozen much more popular change requests/additions long before they would ever get to adding a trading post to either console or PC. Did you see anything about trading in their official survey? nope. Lots of other stuff. No trading.


Blizzard does make a lot of stupid choices and has screwed a lot of stuff up but you make some strong claims I am not so sure about.

First and foremost they didn’t take anything away with the console versions the fact is a console port of the game has never existed before so every part of them is an addition not subtraction.

It might have been laziness as to why they didn’t add it in but they did give a very plausible reason in their blog post.

I believe them in saying that the target audience for console is people who played d3 on console and to have similar menus makes sense.

I don’t personally agree with that decision and i very much hope they add a custom games section to the matchmaking window but i understand a company who has very little history with consoles doing what they did.

the fact they even did console versions is actually more than i expected them to do in the first place.

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Um… yea they did man. They ported the GAME to consoles, so EVERYTHING from the original GAME shouldve been ported over. Yet… it wasn’t. was it? Instead, they made this half-hearted replacement as a quick-fix instead of actually putting in the lobbies from the original, like they should’ve. So again, yes it was a subtraction. Try telling all the people who are pissed about no lobbies on console that “iT wAs aN aDdItIoN nOt a sUbTrAcTiOn” :roll_eyes: .

You’re obviously super bored and literally flapping your gums just to argue, but i also have nothing better to do. Got any more convincing arguments?

lel. You literally admitting its more than you expected, while simultaneously trying to argue that blizz is going to make a Trading post. You don’t even realize how contradictory your own points are in the same post. :joy:


you clearly don’t get how ports work. Or how xbox live/psn/nintendo online systems work. Blizzard doesn’t just get to put all their own network software on those closed environments they have to build stuff on the game system’s networks.

yeah i know you think porting to a console is as easy as copy+paste a file but it’s a lot more work by those standards making a trading system in game is relatively easy.

There is a reason so many companies outsource console ports to other companies (hint it’s not because they like losing money on having someone else do it when it’s super easy)

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You clearly don’t understand how ARGUMENTS work bud. You can’t make one argument, then when i refute it, you suddenly switch to a different point that was never the argument. You’re being intellectually dishonest and you know it. The argument was never the process, it was always how much work they are willing to do. They did a half-hearted job doing a much easier implement than the lobbies, meaning they are 100% NOT going to be doing EXTRA work to add a trading hub. You still have yet to make a single solitary point that proves otherwise.

you believe that, i don’t i think it would have been easier to just use an on screen keyboard and have a list of games.

the truth is we will probably never know if it was laziness or not so to assume a bunch of stuff off of your belief is pointless.