Impatiently patiently waiting for boofs

Went necro this season and it’s so terrible. I usually get to around 1200 paragon solo farming in seasons and I just hit 917 last night doing rat runs with Necro.

Ugh, I hate this guy. Necro gear progression feels terrible and you constantly die when pushing gr’s. For the love of Valhalla can we get our dam barb buffs.

Jumped around in a 110 on my EQ barb on NS. Made it to the boss with over 2 minutes to spare and couldn’t even kill him in time.


For a second I thought you were waiting for boobs, but I checked again…

I agree barbs and monks need some buffs to underperforming sets and legendaries.

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No boobs; didn’t read


My dude, if you aren’t having fun play something else. Life is too short to be unhappy with your gaming choice.