I'm not needy, just want better WDs

Bring back Gargantuan swarm. Every one knows why. Dont listen to the brick headed math geeks. We want smooth fun with WDs. Not the clunky cast 3 skills before dealing dmg and trying to stay in SP whit Shukrani’s. Gargantuan swarm helped in this matter. Only buff it needed was to proc Ring of Emptiness and Qetzaqoatl. No, it will not be broken OP whit Swarm scaleing with pet buffs. Please bring it back. Add sacrifice to Helltooth and everything is going to be just perfect.


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But whyyyyyyyyyyy not? Why is a clunky good for nothing power better?

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Shukrani isn’t stupid, when you know how and when use it


It’s kluncy because you need to cast a bunch of skills to pump up dmg, and still suck big time.

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Learn how to play or deal with it. Ok?

Nothing can up for the dev teams decision that a pet class can’t have pets that deal significant dmg. And have to rely on a mash all buttons and suck play style.

I hope you don’t play another games.

Don’t use it, problem solved

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I konw how to play, that doesn’t mean i have to like it, and doesn’t needs to change. Ok? I will nit deal whit it. All WD sets suck in dmg, and can’t be played smoothly like a other class builds these are no auto skill mechanics. But if you can show me one where i dont need to mash all buttons and still be good and clear a GR150 i’ll shut up. All builds that are praised to the heavens are easy to play and deal huge dmg. Show me one WD build where you can do that.


You either need wd for fast t16 / low GRs then use Wormwood in cube or , alas, you have to press some buttons.

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For some, it’s hard.


A6I2, Marrauder, GoD, WotW, Hydra wizz, Inna, etc. These are all builds that can clear high GRs and only need to push 2 buttons at best. WDs can’t fit enough items to have auto procing and still have enough dmg to clear a GR130 whit lower then avaregely required paragon. Why do we have at least one set per class, that can mindlessly clear high GRs but WDs have none?


Have you actually tried mara or inna in high GRs? (like 140+)? It is not ‘mindlessly’ pushing keys. You need to time it properly. For example, to time Vengeance and Companion, placing Sentries correctly etc. For Inna you also have to know when to cast allies when go into Serenity and Eupiphany cos you can’t have them 100% uptime. There’s no 1 button build that can do higher GRs. For WD you probably have 1 more button to press but do all classes need to be alike? There should be some difference in gameplay.


I did a GR141, with a zDH (my first and last time, it’s boring), this season, and no, it’s not a “push 2 buttons” build.
All players have to be in agreement, otherwise it doesn’t work

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In order to bring back locust gargs they’d have to revert one of the 3 already better angelic powers, so hard no.

There’s plenty of lazy WD farm builds. Just run Munds with speed gear. Wormwood, Rachel’s, Soul to waste, stalker. The new pet angelic power is op as well.


Soul Harvest, Locust Swarm, Piranhado, Sipirit Walk. And then start to deal dmg. And every WD build is like this. And can’t rely on pets, whatsoever.

Garg swarm could have been much more than a speed farmer, if RoE and Qetz work.

Soul Harvest lasts so you don’t have to press it every minute. The Mundunugu set doesn’t require Spirit Walk for damage and Locust can be auto-cast by Wormwood in Cube. So it is not like ‘every WD build’. It is YOUR build and you want Blizz to cater for your gameplay style

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