If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

I mean you did just let someone bait you into an unwinnable argument. All he’s been saying is ‘Diablo 4 will have no open trading!’ to get a rise.

Want to agree, but the cynic and skeptic in me say otherwise.

The delusion is strong in this one. So when everyone downvoted your posts, it’s because they are all the trolls, not you.

There are numerous reasons why someone won’t bet with you on here. And I think you know that. You’d have to be thick or be a troll to not know that. You are a troll. You even trolled the mod.

People offer their opinions and arguments and you reply “Wanna bet on it”. I’ve came across various kinds of stupidity on forums but this is a new one. Nobody is going to bet with some stranger, on a gaming forum, no matter their conviction. Even if someone was minded to, there is no secure system to do it so you’d have to be a mug to risk it insecurely.

Seriously, thinks he can win all arguments by saying “Wanna bet on it?” And if they don’t take your bait then you declare them trolls. And you proudly brag about this as if it’s clever? You’re an utter douche. Hopefully a ban will soon come your way for trolling.

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I always win. Bet or no bet.

You see, one of the things people downvoted me most in old forums was when I spoke against the broken paragon system. Now same people are liking the anti-paragon threads for D4. I always win.

And you’ll always be a troll buying D4 with no open trading and trolling in other ways there.

You’re enticing people to take risks with their money on this forum, which could see them scammed out of their money. The mods need to take notice of this behaviour and ban you before someone loses money because of you.

I’d gladly take a bet on D4 not being released before 2022+

We can do this if you want. I have a lot of currency in PoE with no other purpose than to use it for D4 bets lol.

Trolololo. Everyone knows already man.

Nonsense like this is why we had the down-vote button.

You are free to prove me wrong, but what I wrote in the past at D3 forums was always right. There are quite a big number of shortsighted people, however.

It was WAY easier to just down-vote me, I know. That’s in the past however. Atm you have to construct productive arguments or you’ll end up like the dreaming trolls in this thread.

Okay, sure…

…that didn’t take long, did it?

What D4 speculation has to do with D3? You can do better than that Meteor, I have over 4k posts, c’mon!

Oh, and btw D4 is an MMO indeed. I now saw the quote, but this doesn’t count anyway.

You claimed to always be right.
I provided a single example of you being wrong.
I don’t need to find any more examples, I’ve already disproved your claim.

This is why “always” and “never” are silly things to claim.

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No, you haven’t. Sorry.

opinions don’t have to be based on logic or facts.
-feelings and experiences and (flawed) knowledge are enough.
-and they can lead to a truthseeking debate.

facts, claims, truth postings, with adding one of those 3 properties to the post are there to acknowledge or debunk.

… Then they aren’t opinions worth listening to, honestly.

If you have experiences, then you have facts.

No it isn’t.

really? then debating would stop worldwide, good for the Globalists. :lips:

not really, you have a base to form opinions.

Why not try picking something productive… like your nose?

I’ll bet… trading will be in D4… and it’ll be open, except for the high end game stuff, they already stated this is happening… and if it doesn’t… well then at least I have a finger to point as to who killed the franchise. Way to go casual.

Talk like Skelos will get credit for anything to do the development of D4 and you’ll only feed his troll ego. See how he trolls near enough everyone who posts.

In other matters, this post of mine now has 120 likes, exceeding any other post on trading by at least double and exceeding posts asking for limited trading by quadrouple. While that doesn’t count as proof, it does strongly suggest that a lot of people want to see open trading in D4. Or at least as open as possible.

The main thing is there needs to be plenty of end game trading so that people have a reason to keep hunting items if they want to amass tons of powerful end game items. If it’s all bound, end trading will be non existent. That would be a disaster for D4.

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It won’t be a disaster. It’s the right way to go. D4 will succeed in sales and people will play it for long. Wanna bet on this?

okay , you bet your life ?

of course no

Diablo veteran here who had no real issues with D3 and preferred it to D2. There was no reputation that was broken. D3 was a fun game that kept me and the wife entertained for so many years, we double dipped to buy it on the Switch to play it on the couch from time to time.