I’m well aware of this, as I’ve played since the open beta. I still remember playing 10+ hours over a weekend and coming up with nothing. The point I was making was pre-legendaries falling from the sky, trading had a point. Blizzard changing legs to drop far more often sort of phased the need for trading out. Don’t need to trade when you can just play and expect a very good chance of getting what you need.
The point of the pity timer being silly still stands though. You could get a leg, set your clock for two hours and literally point at a mob knowing it would drop you a leg. It was goofy, and I’m glad it got fixed.
spot on, diablo needs an economy
It never actually worked that way
It was not clock based in a strict time sense. You had to be actually playing and killing stuff and then at around the 2 hour mark it would start to increase your Leg Drop chance. Eventually you would get one, but not at some precise point. You probably know that though and were just not being clear.
Don’t make me go dig out my old files. Gah.
No one gonna do that; neither invest in resources, nor file lawsuits. Trade portion of the game will co-exist with real money trading and will attract bots always. However trading can be limited to a certain interest group (mutual PvP? MF% runners?) through meticulous itemization with restrictions to not bother mainline of game flow.
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It has been a while ago, but I was setting an alarm to it, and having it drop off the next mob/group I killed. I thought it was hilarious. Not 100% of the time, mind you, but often enough to make me laugh.
If they stick to seasonal ladders and keep pvp out of D4 this kind of thinking will not be a part of the game. Bottom line is D2 pvp is the cause of all the hacking/botting/dupping/black market in that game.
Trading = bots/RMT/spam/hacking = no thanks
D2 PVP is what made the game fun once you finished leveling your char lmao. You guys want such a restricted game that it’s sad. That’s exactly why we got D3. If D4 doesn’t have trading or pvp, I won’t be buying it. Your post isn’t true at all either. People dupe and bot in video games without trading, look at D3 for the botting example LOL.
Come on! D2 is the Dupe / Bot king! And it all serves the pvp community.
YES YES YES !!! PLAYER TRADING, or auction house at LEAST !!!
it’s gonna give values to the items on a game that is all about items… currently everything you find is a waste of space.
WE NEED TRADE AND PVP !!! Don’t listen to kids playing this game !!!
WHO CARES if there’s REAL money used in the game. STop crying about what people Do with their money !! if you can farm anything they can get with money, then stop crying and FARM !!! ALMOST all MMO’s have auction houses, so stop crying about what people spend their money on !! when you can get it for free if you farm !!!
d4 lol… another one who felt from his cradle long time ago…
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So D3 doesn’t have bots then? Of course it helps the PVP scene nowadays because Blizzard doesn’t actively try to stop bots. You’re trying to water down the game and we’ll end up with another D3 if that’s the case. People will always cheat or buy items whether there is PvP or not. D3 is proof of that and people also use D2jsp for in game services for D3 also.
If you’re so against trading, hope that they implement a SSF mode for you.
Of course it does, but nothing like D2 has.
I’m not against trading at all. I love it. I’m against what jsp and the pvp community has done to D2.
The PvP players are the only ones that play D2 nowadays pretty much. I quit a few years back when Blizzard just let it become a bot fest. Pvmers buy gear too FYI. A long time friend of mine would literally buy an Enigma at ladder reset for around 75 bucks and all he did was PVM. Here’s the kicker too, he never even jsp’d. D4 needs trading and PVP to succeed.
Only because the ladders are dead this time of year, and they are dead because the economy was destroyed via the bots and jsp. But we both know the game will be alive and well at the next reset as the cycle always repeats.
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I still think an anonymous trade matchmaking system could solve the problem and have no way for illegal sites to operate.
I think you’re right and I’d enjoy sharing ideas as to how it could work very well based on trading items for items, instead of a currency.
Open Player Trading like they had in Vanilla would just open up 3rd Party Sites to Sell Items , so the best geared person would revolve around who is willing to spend the most money. So lets not do that.
Anything revolving an Auction House would have players , playering the AH more then the game.
Keeping the System they have now is fine.
I dont want to see item drops so rare that i am trading 40 Stone of Jordens for X Piece of Gear. Thats just monumentally stupid.
The system is far from fine lmao. They had to up the drop rates exponentially to compensate for the lack of trading. Who cares if people spend their money to get items? Some people are always going to do that regardless. Some of you act like D3 really takes skills to play lol. You all copy the same cookie cutter builds that sets force you into and then you fight over a leaderboard… That’s why the game is dead after about a month into a season. There’s no PVP or godly items to play for.
D4 must have meaningful crafting, trading, and PvP.
Thats Fantastic News you wont be playing. Im sure the Blizzard will be upset they dont have your revenue. APRG doesnt need open bots/spam/hacking to be introduced to it thanks to open Trading like D2. and Diablo 3 was designed around PVE. Lets hope D4 is the same as to be honest i dont enjoy a game where someone enters and i get javazon spear from the other side of the map.
In regards to botting, i would say both D2 and D3 are just as bad as each other. D4 probably wont be any different unless its police by Blizzard