Idea - Inarius 2p casts 10 attacking non-offensive pet

Inarius 2p

Bone Armor damage is increased by 1000%
Your cast 10 offensive versions of your non-offensive pet, and they deal 1000% weapon damage per bone armor stack

What the heck is a gold pet? Do you mean your cosmetic follower?

Translations are sometimes awful.

That’s not the problem. The build makes no sense and implies someone has a follower, which is like almost guaranteed, but it’s not part of the character. It’s like giving Archon more power because you have wings.

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I think this is a fun idea.

It’s called a “pet” or “cosmetic pet” actually suffice. As for the idea, just no. That require them to animate attacks which means extra work.

That doesn’t make it a good idea.

Also as naksiloth mentioned, it would require creating attack animations for all cosmetic pets. Do you have any idea how much work that would take?

I know, I know.

But it would be so fun to see players attack with armies of cows, diablos, groots, butchers or probes.

Just a little bit of crazyness.