Idea for new DH set

The build as is, seems pretty clunky and the stacks fall off too quickly.

What if the primary stacks are global, so they show up on the bar above the skills, instead of on the primary itself.

Additionally, instead of the stacks each having their own 2 second cooldown, they could maybe have a 5 second cooldown that starts when the primary is no longer used. This could restart by using the primary skill. This would help synchronize with Focus/Restraint.

Here was my suggestions

Yeah, my only thought there is that you’re gaining momentum while strafing.

There’s no stopping to use the primary at all. May as well be WW. I don’t think WW is what they were looking for on the build, although it sure as hell would make it smoother to play.

If you look while strafing you lose a 20000% damage bonus and are basically left with the damage it is at now which is pushing only GR 109 with augments and Primals. The changes encourage the stop and go play style as you while you are moving you really only have a defensive buff and a movement speed buff. It also encourages moving on as you would lose 10000% damage 10 secs after stopping so you can’t be stopped for to long. This is in contrast to what is it now which is you are losing stacks while moving and the build plays smoother run vault for moving around and taping strafe to proc a defense buff which is the only real reason to use strafe in the build. You could easily have it be everytime you drop a spike trap and it would play about the same.