I can't stand Vengeance, Akarat's Champion etc

They truly look beyond silly, I’d want to immerse myself playing as an Archer/Assassin, but instead forced to look at an ugly animated red devil with a bow/x-bow. All those fancy crusader transmogs yet all i am staring at is a walking refrigerator. Let’s not mention the Barbarians berserker-form for the sake of sanity.

On a more serious note, i can’t imagine this is the outcome Blizzard intended when they released the Transmogrification feature in reaper of souls , as Blizzard should know by now(cough Path of exile $$$$ visual mtx funding that entire game) the way a character looks is important for immersion in this sort of games, yes gamers are that ‘‘shallow’’.

It’s an ancient ‘‘Qol’’ request in the forum, ignored every time, yet i’m still curious as to why a simple visual toggle off/on has never even been considered(or perhaps it has)? I suppose too much coding effort for the skeleton-crew still active with D3. Yet one more reminder then for a potential future game(4).


As much as I know that the game has more pressing issues but yes I agree.
I hate that buffed radioactive armor look on my Sader and even more that fat bone armor on my Necros ‘unless inarius’.

I’m one of those ppl who even transmog gear while leveling,I can’t stand crap looking chars.:stuck_out_tongue:

Even in D2 I had my prefered armor ‘skins’ for Enigma and such.


I’d much rather see at a glance by looking at my hero whether their super buff is active than having to continually check my buff bar / ability button but I wouldn’t be against them including a toggle for people that don’t.


WotB is for insanity after all (pun intended).

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Those skills are mandatory if you play at high pushes yet all you worry about is their looks rather than build diversity? Stay in town and admire their look enough before playing then.


Well, I actually like all the super forms and think they look awesome. Also, Blizz has larger fish to fry than a simple cosmetic you find unattractive.


Lets just hope they do not see us using all the forms in D3 right now a good reason to return them to D4.
They are awfull long cooldown skills that never should have existed.


And this is kinda sad :frowning:


Having these superhero mode skills with long cooldowns was definitely a bad design decision. They do limit build variety by basically being mandatory.

While I personally don’t mind the visual transformation, having the option to turn them off wouldn’t hurt. Options are never a bad thing.


Yeah! Especially that WD one…wait…what?
It’s a bubble…? And it’s stationary…?!?


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Yep, it was a bad decision to go this direction. Heck now days the long cooldown is irrelevant and they are perma superhero mandatory builds.

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I am just pointing out the visual aspect of it & asking a simple question, no need to get salty. Build diversity and Diablo 3 is a horse beaten to death many times already, just keeping it real here with low expectations.


How can you tell that you have a crucial skill activated, if there’s no visual cues just because you don’t like it and want it begone? Even though you can do that by checking action bar skills, that’s the “juice” of the game and you want it removed. I donno.

they should turn health black when the skills are on


Check out Necro’s Bone Armor. Looks even worse


my thoughts exactly, also the reason I refuse to play around Archon.


Who is looking at their character’s transmogs while in combat? You’re too zoomed out to pick up any meaningful detail even if you could among all the effects going off, and aren’t you looking where to move to, what to avoid and what to kill anyway? “Oh, my character died, but he’s just so pretty I can’t bear to use the skill that would keep him alive. Oh, he died again, but that dye on the shoulder piece just looks amazing when there is multiple arcane beams.”

An optional on/off wouldn’t hurt, but what would it add? You want to gaze in wonder at your gear and transmogs, you can do it all you want at the mystic, zoomed in, rotate 360, try out different mogs and dyes. Knock yourself out.

I like options, so yes please.
A toggle is all I ask, and for those that prefer the look,
I would say, use it.
Not sure about the outcry on these boards to change, cause
I don’t want it off permanently, just an option…


I can think of several simple ways, an enhanced harder to miss buff bar skill indicator, health bar color change(good suggestion). A none-intrusive indicator above or next to your character. Those wouldn’t require much to implement.

For a class specific more fancy approach, Crusader & Barbs could for example increase in size(like they currently do) but skin unchanged(that’d be awesome imo). Demon hunters you can tell already due to the side cannons and rockets of vengeance but some sort of visual indicator without changing the skin(similar stuff for the other class).

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I think the point is overuse.
In their original forms, these abilities were situational. Say, 25% uptime, whenever you meet a difficult pack. Now you see it, now you don’t. It’s nice to have a visual form.

Combining general and ability-specific, massive cooldown reduction results in permanent uptime, which is a different animal. Your character is permanently transformed. Hulk. It’s like Shadowform in WoW, you always look weird (translucent, blue). Some effects, like increased size are fine.

I have no problem taking a peek at my ability bar, it also helps to see how much I have left of the ability. But I know a lot of players like to look at the center all the time, WoW custom UIs are showing that as well.

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