Hydra has been gutted

I think the objective is to encourage group play and discourage solo play since soloist have a tendency to have mental problems and blizz is trying to save the world from us soloists.

Yep its not a strong build unless they do something.

Thats for sure. :wink:

During the PTR the set was misrepresented by the arcane torrent bug. Was it by a factor three?
If so it seems they gutted the overall set plus item buff by the buff the bug gave.
I hope they are looking in to this before the 13th. Same goes for the rest of the sets.

I still have to test reverse archon + hydra but the set is bad: no dmg and less toughness than LoD version.
Blizzard doesn’t know that new sets must be the best sets for any class? They care about balance rght now? lol AoV, PoJ and MR are top and that’s why they are gonna be played. Nobody is gonna play a set that is not the best…

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just did 137 as wd guys dont take hydra a pity as it is

I’m gonna test Lod reverse hydra and then forget about hydras. Wd for season, no doubt.

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Now WD can clear 147 joining Barb, Crus and monk, this hydra build only clear 137 with almost 10k paragon. This is really a shame.

DH and Necro will get their buff next season so that means if blizzard refuses to change hydra, that means wizard will fall to last place in all the classes. Don’t tell me the 10000 paragon 130 GR balance crap, when every other classes can do 145+, then it’s not “balance” when wizard new hydra set is 10 GR lower.

While we are at this balancing, Chantodo needs to be restored back as well since the entire reason for nerfing it was to bring it inline with other classes, now that other classes are 4-5 GR above it, that whole argument is flawed.

Keeping pumping this thread until the CM acknowledge this issue before season start. This is the only chance wizard has so everyone needs to keep shouting until Blizzard heard our complaints. Barb did it with their rend nerf and so can we.

Previous 10 seasons: it’s not “balance” when Monk set is 20 GR lower than Wizard.


Sure it is not, that doesn’t make it right. Just because it’s wrong and it’s been done doesn’t justify it is in fact wrong.

Now, in Asia we have a 140 with 9k para :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just cleared 115 with Arcane hydra with only 2 ancients and 2 augs, lvl 112 gems (self leveled from 25) at 1650 para. If I would fish for festering and get some good pylons I can see it doing 117 maybe. 120 with full augs and better gear and 2k para most likely (still could be map dependant).

Maybe they are factoring DW+ES into this equation as they presume everyone (LoD or TV) will run them? Not saying this makes up for the nerf, but it should result in a slightly higher number and maybe they consider it fine.

Hope the NS results of TV / LoD will be proof enough that they overshoot the nerf and further adjustment is required (at least 400% on SS and Magi, and 2000% per head on 6pc, and / or add an arcane spender to it as well, like arcane orb / twister or channeled spell smth).


DW and ES have been already factored in LOD and TV performance and the result is still 10 GR behind Crus, Barb, Monk and WD.

I have a feeling Nevatilis didn’t even know about this 10 GR discrepancies just like he didn’t know about the TV 4 pieces bug despite pages and pages of data and discussion about it. I hope I am wrong. Tomorrow we will know.

Now that WD and Crus solo Clear GR 150 on Asian LB, what does blizzard developers and/or CM have to say about this unjustified nerf to hydra ?

At least post a statement agreeing/disagreeing with us about the state of hydra so that we can move on and stop wasting time and efforts about this set.


Well I got this in non-seasons and although I’m not nearly finished with the gearing process, it does seem a bit underwhelming to say the least. Thought maybe Manold Heal ring, paralysis and electric hydra might be ok - nope… Frost hydra only option? Too bad, could have been a fun set. Pretty squishy too, but my gear is not optimized yet. Don’t have the Kanai cube goodies yet.

Currently this is really lackluster. It used to be a thing back in season 12 I believe, but blizzard changed this interaction.

SS, Magistrate, and TV 6pc don’t increase MH proc damage, at least that’s how it was two weeks ago on 2.6.8 PTR.

There used to be an issue where Lightning Hydra MH was scaling off the rune’s 255% damage as a multiplier in the formula, but that was fixed some time ago (maybe S11?). This bug fix kind of killed the idea of even running Lightning Hydra MH too.

I would like to see MH as an option here for Hydra in the future, but I can understand as to why this decision was made for now.

Yeah, I remember that too. I wasn’t a fan of that playstyle anyways as I remember that we had to stop casting to let the Hydra proc MH. Something about the Hydra and our character locking the other out depending on who triggered MH I believe

I don’t remember the change to the interaction but it does stink. Thanks for the info, I’m gonna try the other runes before frost - Just to check, I hate being a clone of everyone else, but if frost is the only one that works well that’s the one I suppose.

There are other options. It’s just to push the highest you have to basically have the same builds. There isn’t a way around that unfortunately for most games. There is always a best way that results in higher numbers.