How WD feels vs other classes explained for blizzard devs

For not just seasons, but actual years, and many of them, Witch Doctors have always been a multitasking class. They typically don’t spam, don’t numb lock everything, and have to work 2-3 time as hard for the same effect or less. Is it because it’s the only Nephalem of color? Who knows…

What is known is that Blizzard may not comprehend the full depth of its own game mechanics so we shall put into simple terms. Imagine your a dev (easy enough) and you get a pay check! Hooray! All you did was your job and received a check. That is every other class.

Now imagine if you will, that on top of doing your job, you now have to walk on your hands for a quarter mile while balancing a glass of milk on 1 foot as you do it. Then when you get your check it’s only 70% of what it should be. That is the Witch Doctor.

Please fix the class/items and don’t depend on the season theme to make up for it.


Everyone (but you and anyone that agrees with you) knows this is not even remotely the case.


That part wasn’t meant to be taken seriously I’m sorry you didn’t find it humorous. The rest of the post is accurate though.


I am still left to wonder if it is 2% or Skim tho…

I do have to agree with this…

Right after S27 in S28, when WD no longer has these Sanctified items it’s going to be right back to where it was until permanent changes are made to class-specific legendary items and the class itself.

I feel like it’s the only class that was completely gutted to be reworked to compensate as a “pet class” to compete with the release of Necromancer.

Being a person of color (speaking from my perspective here) especially in America, we tend to bring the social injustice to the game whether we intend to or not. It’s something I think we all have the ability to choose not to do and I am beginning to choose better for myself before I personally want to be a better individual and not perpetuate those notions.

Also, it’s not 2% or Skim. It’s a full gallon of Unsweetened Almond Milk. :slight_smile:

Ewww, just let it spill then, do the world a favor.

Anecdotal at best, but the single best solo GR clearance I’ve ever done was on a seasonal Witch Doctor with a GR139, on an Arachyr / Spiders build. The best I’ve ever done with any other class, seasonal or not, was a GR134.

Still you have to aggre, that while WDs have all their builds as a piano playstyle, other classes have atleast one layed back build that can clear 140+GRs. It’s not just an itemisation problem or legendary powers, it’s the skills and their synergies, and the playstyle in it’s core.

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Items that need an adjustment for quality of life.

  1. Ring of emptiness
    Forces use of Locust Swarm or Haunt, that may not be relevant
    to the build, and must reapply every 8 seconds, or forced to use
    creeping death skill, or forced to use Wormwood in cube. Required
    skills must also hit the target to gain the effect.

Suggested fix: Anytime the WD causes damage with any mana spender, enemies within 60 yards of the WD take 200-300% more damage from the WD for 30-60 seconds.

  1. Lakumba’s Ornament
    Forces an already squishy class to run up to monsters and hit them
    with Soul Harvest skill to activate damage reduction.

Suggested fix: Reduces damage taken by 60% for 30 seconds after activation. Soul Harvest Gains all runes.

  1. Soul Harvest
    Forced to use Soul Harvest for defense. I believe almost every WD build uses it. Requires 2 other items for maximum defense from this skill.

Suggested fix: Remove stacks from Soul Harvest. Make the base skill and all runes the equivalent of 10 stacks. (Removes need for Sacred Harvester)

  1. Sacred Harvester
    Forced to take for maximum defense from Soul Harvest.

Suggested fix: Change the current legendary affix to: Haunt deals 100% more damage. Haunt gains the resentful spirits and poisoned spirit rune.

  1. Band of Hollow Whispers
    Currently usable by every class. When used by WD, doesn’t gain any benefit from Haunt runes.

Suggested fix: Change to WD only ring and let it benefit from runes, and any other applicable modifiers to Haunt.

Reposting this as new article.

WD play style is great imo. I love the way the class feels and it’s been my favorite for nearly every season I’ve played.
That being said, it’s never a top class. I can only think of one season and that was the season Munds came out and Mask of Jeram still buffed phantoms. Since then it’s been nerfed twice.
Arachs is a nice competitor, but overall WD damage and group viability are lacking.
They have been getting more attention and the change to Lakumbas was pulled straight from forum suggestions and a great one. Removing the need to have two skills trigger RoE was a nice QoL buff as well.

Keep your pozed politics off the forums please.