How to keep spirit full with Sunwuko Build

Hello! I’ve have been avoiding using the Sunwuko build only because I can never keep my spirit high enough when I’m using tempest rush. Is there a way to keep it full while consistently having TR on? Thanks.

Epiphany plus Inner Storm plus Mystic Ally should be good enough if you have about 40% RCR on your gear.

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What Khord said.

However I avoid RCR, and roll CDR on those affixes instead.

I just use Epiphany/Inner Storm/Air Ally, but use the Air Ally active if I get low.

I’ve never had a situation where I can’t cast.

If you are using the CC3 variant, RCR will help with toughness, where as CDR will help with extra damage.

Failing that, you could always use PoJ if you want to play TR. It doesn’t have the same resource issues, and doesn’t require you to waste a weapon slot to complete your 6p set bonus.

Yeah so often read about this but you lose dmg when using this whereas with rcr rolls you get simple toughness and simple absolute no problem with spirit even in grift groups.
Maxed out rcr rolls makes the game being played very easy.

also: cdr rolls are fine but there is some problem in getting dmg. An Example: Lets assume you have 10% cdr and you may look for another 10% roll on cdr. Your cdr is then 1- 0.9*0.9 = 0.19. This makes you getting 19% more dmg (which is factor 1.19 which is not equal to 1.1 * 1.1 = 1.21 which would be 21% more dmg). So any added cdr roll does not give same amount of dmg. The strong part of cc set is the dmg reduction by rcr rolls.

I prefer having 55% rcr and “only” 50 on cdr and doing easy 130, pushed to 133 without any problem of dieing (and I can also use speed pylon for quite some time).

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Thanks for the advice. I’m gonna try this out and see if it helps any. Happy Farming!

I’ve never truly had an issue with spirit with this build except for WoL… I loved WoL more than Tempest Rush (I used both). I know it’s not generally recommended, but I always roll with the boots that boost # of allies (either in the cube or on my feet) which helps substantially.

I gave up on Sunwukos after completing the dungeon requirements because I found it too squishy. My own (very non-traditional) build is far more comfortable for my play style.

I had an issue with spirit on ask too…but no issue at all on poj…

What’s your rcr%? and were you on tr the whole time?

I only had RCR from CC3 and paragon. My build did eat through spirit, and had to actively use Air Ally to refill spirit every few seconds.

Yes, I could TR constantly but I eventually did run into issues much like the GoD build, where it becomes a struggle when there’s nothing to hit to proc my Zodiac ring.

To be honest, Atomfurz advice is better. I’ve tried a crappy version with RCR and the smoothness it provides is worth a lot more than the 25% odd extra damage I was getting from stacking more CDR.

Still, I’m not a fan of SWK/TR so haven’t really pushed it any further.

thumbs up ^^ go for gold or so :wink:

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Eh… can’t argue with results. It was flat out better.

And… I’m not ashamed to plug for a Monk who I know, knows what he’s talking about. :beers:

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