How to get perma epiphany?

Hi, I just dont get how to achieve perma epiphany. I would have thought that you need either zodiac, in geom, gogok or leoric to achive it.

But i see all monk builds from POJ to Inna without these. How do you manage your epiphany then?

Mostly Zodiac ring, and enchanting to cdr.

You can get 70% CDR in a POJ/CC3 build. At 70% CDR Epiphany has only 18 seconds cooldown, which means 3 seconds downtime that can be bridged by using Serenity Ascension.

This is not perma Epiphany by definition, but that’s how people work around the downtime without using additional CDR items.

Ah this is helpful, thank you!!

Using the serenity bridge (esp. when switching zodiac for unity) brings about the issue of not having serenity rdy to use halfway through physical cycle for your flurry bomb, though, right? That sketchiness is the only thing holding me back from switching to it. Have you found that either its ready for your cycle or you don’t need it for the cycle when pushing 125+ GRs?