How quickly things are forgotten - Solo Greater Rift Summary Per Class

Here is another global comparison. It uses the top 10 solo greater rifts clears from the current era across 3 regions (the data was grabbed on a different day so that is why the numbers are different.)

:question: Do you think that this analysis is correct or is it fatally flawed and should be ignores?:question:

America EU AS Average
Barbarian 125.7 127.7 126.8 126.7
Crusader 130 132.1 129.7 130.6
Demon Hunter 129 131.2 129.9 130
Monk 125.4 129.3 127.6 127.4
Necromancer 130.8 135.3 131.2 132.4
Witch Doctor 130.2 132.2 129.8 130.7
Wizard 136 138.9 138.3 137.7
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