Yeah I’m not to happy about The "wastes"set.I recommend all players to give it a whirl if not into competition.With Ambo and lament it feels like a side grade from tradational old ww builds.
Trying the set now, im at para 2600ish and making the gear the best I can with say aguments at 110ish. So far I felt really bad about this. 100 rifts no problem, 100+ I have huge issues killing things. But changing a few things and will say what I can do after that. Im not a Barb pro by far, I just wanted to try something different this season after reaching my goal of top 30 for DH. New to the game still so its gotta be an easier class still. Suggestions?
Yup… Sader is 150 capable with 10k paragons and i hope they dont nerf it.
Screw nerfs ARPGs are about action. Same same barb guy was doing 150s and staying ahead of the meter. But bad floor made him quit so its a matter of time. I seen some friends coming back that havent played in years. He had 1600 paragons with 0 aigments. I brought in my zmonk and did a 2 man 118. We were having fun actually…
At this point screw nerfing. The game doesnt have enough health points for monsters to go past like 155 or something like that…
Im also having fun with new Monk set. I 1 shot a GR105 guardian and set up for speeds. Want ti gear it pushing. I been actually having fun last couple days doing some off meta stuff with people.
As someobe who likes to group it gets stale during Season… Hope we get 2 week break between Seasons more ofteb
Solo I enjoy playing zuni witch doctor DoD or lod DoD for more toughness.It’s a pretty relaxing unless pushing with zuni.
Are you trying to say barb was doing 150? Even with 200%, barb wasn’t even close to 150. With that 200%, barb could’ve done 143 at max.
If they don’t nerf sader, they should buff barb lamentation belt to 500% because this new sader set is INSANELY powerful.
Keeping in mind his Para is well over 10k right>? If the barb had 10K para and the 200% would it be equal to the new sader gear and buffs?
I was looking forward to playing barb for season 19. Stop teasing builds then revoking them. Who cares if a build does better for a season. They’re constantly tweaking builds anyhow.
unless the barb issue is reinstated, I think ill go for monk or the sader. been watching the vids and have a feeling most will be doing same lol
Lol no way… Im syaing DarkPotator was doing it with his Sader. The same guy who hti the 140 with WW PTR, is doing 150 attempts with new Sader.
Us console ppl cant post anywhere else in forum but if ur the same RoidRage who was fighting to keep the PTR WW buff, my respect dude. I wouldve been on ur guys side as well since WW been my fav. build since D2.
Despite it all… Im still hoping they DONT NERF SADERS. I seen some people who i haven’t played with in years coming back and im hoping they come back cuz much has changed in 6 seasons. Lots of people were hyped for WW buff, i dont want to see the same thing for Saders.
wait, you mean pc players can in fact post here???
PC players can post anywhere, console players can only post in here and the Console Bugs forum.
100% Blizzard need to nerf the sader build…not only is it OP but man they have to be consistent…if they nerfed Inna WoL in PTR, they nerfed WW Barb in PTR and nerfed Vyr Chantodo’s then they must nerf the sader.
If they don’t…then…er…um…I’m playing a sader for S19!
Would in fact be nice if we could get more pc people posting here to help us out and let us join with them on various topics and advice. The reason I said id go sader is purely for the epic gems and agments, and the monk for my main. If sader remains that stronger, why the heck not.
Ohh yeah top 30 is very doable, and realistic too. A friend of mine hit rank 25 or so with WW in S18, but he did have like 2200 paragons. I hit rank 30 with Gen Monk in S18 and despite having the most DPS output of the Monk builds, its really weakest and least viable to push until hit 3k paragons IMO…
Unfortuantly i been playing with WW today and my R6 HoTa in S15 was out DPSing current WW and finishing quicker back then.
Also to hit top 30, the more u play higher ur chances are of hitting higher GRs. Paragons and augments are a big factor. So the guy who plays 4 hours a day daily will generally push higher than the twice a week guy. Also dont UNDERESTIMATE skill, effiency, and knowledge either. I know a few people that push 140+ 4 man, haven’t seen them hit higher than a 100 in solo cuz they hate it and say its harder.
Thanks man. Ya I agree, I don’t think they should’ve nerfed any build. Especially after D4 announce… Didn’t really put people in a good mood lol.
If they don’t nerf sader, I think barbs will definitely go haywire lol.
The sader right now is so strong. Since they’re nerfing vyr’s, bazooka and necro down to 142-145, it doesn’t make sense to release a build that does 150 like a day after patch.
In my opinion, they should revert all the nerfs, buff barb belt to 300% to have 145 potential and nerf sader shield from 30% per hit to like 10% per hit. Doing that wouldn’t hurt the upfront damage on speeds, just the push damage, and lower sader to maybe 147 ish.
Anyone played with the sader yet? You see some nice numbers. I saw a +160T at one point. But gosh is it squishy. Had to adjust the build for HC cause I was getting proc’d like nothing else.
Also, the build seems to really suffer from being unable to create much density. I practiced for a while and finally got a GR115 (3k paragon, non ancient gear, no augments). Stuff was dying fast, but I never had enough on screen. To be fair, my big woods were all when I was still learning to survive. Mayeb it’d be better now. Oh, and I bet a FoT would be better than the unmatched TP I wore.
Hopefully the nerf to lam is reverted.Until then cube Fjord and try and get some good clears before the bug is patched.
Throw Stone Gauntles in the cube… If u got enough CDR for perma Akkarats Champion/Prophet u will be a true tank. Tanks dont just take damage… they dish it out as well.
Despite being an Armor class that 250% armor buff from SG plus 150% from Prophet will be very noticable. U wont have to worry about the loss of attack speed or lack of movement… so u will have that armor buff all the time.
BRight, that’s what I’m doing. But 100% Ahkarat isn’t possible without obsidian procs in density. Have to really manage those cooldowns moving between packs or it’s a problem.
Lam set at 100%-150% and Fjord Cutter patched!Time to load up on Rend Damage!
Yah i know how that goes… I never rolled cooldwon on my WW gear and use to get perma/near perma WoTb before the Crimson Set. Micro managing was a big part of it.
@Bounce. Update is live??? Dam i wont be home til tonight.