How hard is D3 endgame?

Seems unfairly harsh on off tanks and raidhealers. Not like those doesn’t need to be on the ball as well.

I can live with that.

D3 endgame is…

  • melting the same grs that you can navigate blindfolded you have done them so many times.
  • melting 99 out of 100 primals you get
  • looking at billions of gold with nothing to spend it on
  • being forced into the whatever is being exploited build until nerf
  • grinding para until your eyes bleed if your solo

its not really hard, just boring and unrewarding. I find it fun to just explode mobs enmasse for stress relief.


You can also try to:

  • Accomplish all achievements;
  • Find all (in-game) transmogs, banners, wings, portraits, pets…

And that without thinking about GRs or Group (except some Co-op Achievements).