How do you raise Cool-down?

Went online to a gaming site to see what would be needed for recommended sets, (ie…rings, Legendary gems, ect.). And the overall stated requirement was to keep Leoric’s Crown Cubed no matter which set was used as it was recommended that I needed a 50.5 cooldown level. That threw me because I already have my CDL at a full 50 on Paragon but checked the details section of my character and saw the cooldown rating for my crusader was only at a 36.55. So do I have to wait until I reach a certain Paragon level to obtain a 50.5 cooldown rating or is it old information?

Cool down reduction is a main stat on the gear.

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When you re-roll your main statistics (at the Mystic), there are certain items that have Cooldown reduction (CDR).
Some items are better to have CDR on than others.
Some sets require Critical hit (damage CHD and chance CHC)
If you are following recommendations then it mostly tells you which items to reroll on.

Icy-veins has some great builds with what to roll CDR on. Here’s the link.

Perhaps this can help the OP figure out what he needs and where.

Drop a Diamond in your helm and leorics crown in the cube will give you 25% cooldown reduction straight away. Couple this with flipping stats at the mystic on gear will complement this at 8% per item changed. Cooldown reduction is maxed at 60% anyway. So there is only so much you can get.

This raises to around 85% when in combat due to Gogok stacks.


Nice!! I am just going by what Blizzard said. They stated that the max was 60%. So what do I know. I can’t post the link the forum won’t let me. I can post this thou. but the legitimately achievable cap for most classes is somewhere around 72-75% (84.5-88.5% with [Leoric’s Crown]

Isn’t 50.5% CDR just what you need to keep 100% uptime for Akkhans?

Other builds use either Akarat’s Awakening, or Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac to keep near-100% uptime on Akarat’s Champion.

56.6% is what I was told but add another 1% -2% in case of lag is also what I was told.

My condemn is around 57-58 area and have 100% uptime. This is also without cubing leorics as I’m using stone gauntlets/ice climbers.

Well done that’s a safe amount for permanent uptime. Mine is somewhere around the same. Someone should probably do a lag-scaling for the condemn build…
If NA cdr min=56.6%, If Asia cdr min= 57.8%, If Europe cdr min = 59%
haha :wink:

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Ac perma is 55.6% + latency

56% is sufficient in most cases(even on 300ms ping) , rarely do you need 56. 5+ for perma.

Thanks for the accuracy. However, if lag is bad and Europe can get to 1,300ms, the xtra does matter there.

56% is what I’ve always told players. It gives you a little extra buffer in case of latency.

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