How do I get my personal best to update?

I ran a 140 last night and it has not updated yet. I doubt this is an actual bug so I am asking here. Perhaps there is a delay happening right now?

Someone else beat it…

On my season profile, it says 138 still. How does someone else outdo me on my profile?

You get it to update once Blizzard fixes the bug.

Keep in mind that it’s just past 7 AM in California where the US servers are located so it’ll take at least a few hours before anything happens.

I just ran a 139 and got credit for that but not the 140 I ran last night still.

It’s an actual bug and has been reported already…

Whilst this is currently happening on the US server region, we’ve also repeatedly had this happen for the EU server region. A month ago we had the same thing on Asia servers…

Sometimes when they resolve the issue, the old records get put into the leaderboards, but sometimes they don’t and you’d have to re-clear that level again.

Regardless of how quickly (or otherwise) they resolve the incident, I wish they’d actually do some proper root-cause analysis and fix the underlying problem, rather than repeatedly treating the symptoms.


Thank you
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