How come unique items don't upgrade with patches?

coming back after a long 10 season break to play on my leapquake barb to find out that the blade of tribes were buffed but the one I had didnt change, however my set did?

the blade of tribes i had in seaason 13 was top 10 blade of tribes when I found it but back then its effect was split into 2, shouts cause avalanche and the EQ dmg buff - 200% were seperate. Now the 2 are merged into 1 that can be cubed, 800% dmg with shouts cause avlanache

Its so sad seeing this near perfect weapon not updated when the item was changed. it has almost 4400 dmg w/ 10% cdr 10% dmg 1400 str and a socket. Right now im using the first socketed 2h weapon I came across with a new blade of tribe’s effect in my cube, replacing furnace 50% elite dmg and my dmg is 3X :frowning: thats using a 2h with only 3200 dmg
i tried using the cubed power for blade of tribes but when I wield my old school blade of tribe its 200% dmg buff over rides the cubed 800% dmg buff

makes me wonder how many legacy builds there are that can’t be recreated because of items still existing after nerfs and buffs and if any of them are good lol

yea I know non seaasons is for losers

Items are a collection of references to affixes and their RNG values.

Legacy version of a legendary contains a reference to a power A.
Updated version of the same legenedary contains a reference to power B.
Both can be extracted to the cube which then contains power C with fixed value and which does not stack with power A nor B.

A legendary item always refers to a specific power. No matter how many times you reroll it, reference to power A never changes to power B. For the same reason patches won’t autoupdate old items to new ones.

At this point some numbnuts might say something like “Ring of Emptiness and Shield of Fury were changed retroactively!” No, they were not. The items are completely untouched. It’s the conditions of how the powers work that were changed.

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Just the way they’ve always done it. Legendary items must be re-farmed, and only change if there’s a nerf to them for balancing reasons. Sets bonuses tend to update to the new set bonuses.


There are no unique items.

Obvously they referd to legendays.

Actually, I should restate in that, unless the item has only non-random affixes, every item is unique.

Thank goodness they don’t update, or my Etched Sigil would be ruined. Just wish I’d been able to farm a primal one. :frowning: It’s annoying when items are buffed but not as bad as losing existing items would be when they’re nerfed.


In most cases, they don’t nerf existing items. However, recently Blizz went out of its way and, apparently as a special courtesy to all the DHs out there, have retroactively nerfed all existing NCS quivers.

I, for one, will never forget that.

You should be able to reforge it. When you reforge an old item, the game doesn’t automatically upgrade it to the new version. Although, you will need a lot of mats.


they don’t retro actively upgrade legendaries…only the ones you get AFTER a patch goes out gets the upgrade

No, they did not change anything with NCS. This is exactly similar case to Shield of Fury, the item itself is 100% unchanged, only the conditions of how the power works are changed. The limit of piercings are not stored in the item itself.


Technically it of course was a massive nerf but the point I try to make out here is that some changes can be made without touching the items themselves.

In case it wasn’t completely clear: with NCS, the legendary affix was retroactively changed on existing items (that is, stuff people had equipped and / or in their stashes). Specifically, the pierce cap was added.

I fail to see how this could be

I don’t know how they changed the Shield Of Fury, and I don’t really care. All I know is that, when Etched Sigil was nerfed, people still retained the previous versions unchanged. I actually might have one myself.

My point was that Blizzard doesn’t normally do such things.

They want you to chase after that blade again. This game isn’t get one legendary that is near perfect and you keep it for life. This is a loot hunt game after all. There has to be something to chase after.

The piercing cap is applied outside the item itself. As I already said, the legendary affix on an item is merely a reference to a specific function and it also contains the RNG value.

The NCS legendary power refers to a function A both before and after the change. That function itself is not stored in the item. The changes are done to the function via script which caps the piercings. There is no cap stored in the item itself.

The Etched Sigil was traditional change. It has a completely different legendary power now. Because of that the existing items didn’t magically change into new ones after the patch was applied.

If you want to rant about things you should first try to understand how things work.

They usually will affect gear by:

  • Retro-updating any set items you have (green)

  • Retro-updating any items that have been nerfed or “fixed” (in most cases)

  • Not retro-updating items that are weaker than their newer versions or have a different function.

That does leave some unique items in the game that are no longer available at times as a result.

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Some people seem to be stuck in a wrong way of thinking, meaning “nerfs are always retroactive, buffs always require refarming”. That’s not how things work. Buffs are retroactive as well if they’re applied to how powers function. The Ring of Emptiness change for example was effectively a buff.

Here’s a more realistic basic rule:
If a change is done to RNG values or the power becomes completely different, the change is not retroactive.
If the change is done to how the power works or on the conditions of when it works, the change is retroactive.

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So, according to you guys, the change of the Gesture Of Orpheus wand, when CDR on Slow Time was slashed from 70% to 40%, was a buff? Remember this discussion, @Kirottu? You’ve been there, actually. (The thread is a bit emotional, but nevertheless).

Apart from NCS / Shield Of Fury, can you provide other examples of legendary affixes being retroactively changed? I assume such examples must be very easy to recall, as they comprise (according to you) the majority of nerfs. NB I’m not talking about set bonuses, as these aren’t tied to any single item.

Retroactive changes to Legendary items are pretty rare.
It usually works as stated above:
Set changes are retroactive and Changes to Legendary requires farming new ones, with a few exceptions.
You have come back from a 10 Season break. There have been many changes since then.
You may not recognize some of the sets or items.

The most significant ones I can recall are the Furnace and Rimeheart. The Furnace original power read Dealing damage has a chance to deal (6-8)% of the enemy’s current health as Fire damage.

The existing Furnaces were rerolled as if you put it in the cube with recipe 2. A maxed out legacy Furnace could turn into a meh rolled one and vice versa.

Ring of Emptiness (already mentioned), Bone Ringer.

The case of Bone Ringer was identical to Shield of Fury. Its stacks were capped but again items themselves were 100% untouched because the cap was external.

The RoE change was effectively a buff. Previously one needed to apply both Haunt and Locust Swarm to enemies to benefit from it, now one needs to apply only one or the other. This allows the ring to be used in various builds and not limit their variety by forcing to use 2 skills.