Hmmm new forum link... hmmmm

Maybe we are getting a Diablo 3 .5 or are they possibly getting ready to release Diablo 4?!

no its just the new forum, set up like WoW and other blizz properties have already moved to… if you notice, you have 0 posts and all that.

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I guess he didnt read that topic on the old forums

Yeah, i took a break from diablo 3 after getting my season wings and started playing dark souls and dark souls 3 with my brother. Fun games and I might be getting too old for video games now as my death count is so high on those 2 games.

Is there a new season starting soon for d3?

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Season 17 just started in May so probably not until at least August

If u like DS and DS3 u should check out Bloodborne. Definately the best Soulsborne game imo… Especially with the Kirkhammer lol

Kirkhammer? Makes the game too easy man!

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After u get good and slap 3 cursed adept blunt gems in it :). Also by Kirkhammer i mean strictly 2h mode… No wimpy parries/visceral attacks at all. Beat every main game and chalice dungeon boss 2h mode. Eveb farmed the cursed depth 5 dungeons for Cursed Heavy abyssals with my Hammwr

Please no 4 yet, im so far behind, im still on xbox 360

hasn’t there been any game thats been an xbox exclusive that came with an xbox that you could have preordered??

thats how I got my ps4, Wanted Arkham Knight and it had a ps4 bundled with it.

you are so behind on D3 anyway since there is NOTHING that you can do, you might as well, go ahead and be prepared to get the next Gen console then since the life of the present gen is winding down.

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Diablo 4 is far from release.

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