Hitting "The Wall" as SSF

Sorry but the problem is the user, not the game. Super hard to believe you spent 6 hours without finding a single piece of H90 set. You know it only cost 10 DB and 10 souls to exchange one set piece for another of the same set?

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Or any grinding game to be honest.

I farm gr120 in under 2min solo without any issue. Not only groups can speed gr90. There are plenty of strong builds this season which works great solo. U not forced to have primals, its just a luxury.

Sure… you don’t need primals but you do need mostly ancients and many of them augemented. But I wasn’t even trying to get ancients… just regular old set items and hit a dry streak with Kadala. It happens. It’s designed to happen that way. And apparently it will always be that way because “reasons”.

U dont need ancients either to play the game. Grinding for gears is pretty much the core of the game. The so called “reason” is that there are plenty of ppl who enjoy that.

Crucibles doesnt help u get the right set piece u want. It only helps u upgrading a piece to primal. Which is what u asked for in your initial post.

Easily more. I have bad luck myself. I have gone DAYS, yes days playing for hours each day, without seeing certain items that I am grinding for. Yes, that includes set pieces as well as legendary items. It’s called RNG.

During that long streak of bad luck, I will find set pieces and legendaries for OTHER classes, especially Necromancer and Witch Doctor. That is just downright annoying as all (well you know). More RNG. It’s a thing, really it is.

Also, during that that long streak of bad luck, I will find duplicates of set pieces to builds that I have no interest in playing, looking at you Raekors. I will rift, greater rift, gamble blood shards, upgrade rares, use puzzle rings, use cow sticks, and run echoing nightmares (solo and group). Sometimes RNG is just BAD!

I went through 47 crucibles before finding the right ‘sanctified power’ for my strafe DH. Of course the rolls on the item were complete :dog2: :poop:! I was just happy to get the friggen ability do I could play the build. See? Bad luck with RNG.

Sometimes people have pure bad luck or just long strings of bad luck. Never discount or discredit someone just because they are not as lucky as you are.

Now sometimes it is the player, especially if the player is new and doesn’t know the tricks of using the cube. Also, you need to FIND pieces of the ‘same set’ in order to convert them to another piece of the ‘same set.’ can’t do that if you can’t find or make any. Too bad the cube doesn’t allow you to randomly convert one set pieces to another ‘different’ set piece. Now that would be a nice QoL change.


Just keep at it. Sooner or later it will happen. Sometimes it just takes a lot of time. RNG is a real (you know what).

Remember this game’s ‘smart loot’ isn’t that smart. Sometimes playing another character will cause the game to drop gear you are looking for. Play a DH and watch a bunch of Barbarian loot drop, especially Savage set pieces.

It’s so uncanny, it’s scary.

That example is just some damn bad luck man.

And it happens. I had a regular Restraint for a really long time, not even a good one either. I spent days and days worth of 3 hour GR sessions of blood shards barely getting even any normal ones (Got a few ancient Focus’s which just hurts in that scenario) and upgrading the rares until I finally got one. Then last night started gambling for an ancient Squirt’s, something like 3 500 shards then started upgrading rares and on the 3rd upgrade got a damn near perfect primal. Same with crafting around 30 Guardian shoulders before I got an ancient but getting a primal Karlei’s after less than 10 reforges.

You don’t need people feeding you items, you just need to not have awful luck.

To do what?
I thought you hadn’t finished the season and you don’t need anything like that to complete it
After that you play for fun

Hey cool, I also came back in season 19. After 2 and half years of not playing.

Most important of all: Set a goal for the season. If you just say “I am going to play some D3” hours of 3 minute GR’s will get boring. I decide on a paragon/GR level that I want to reach beforehand and it makes a big difference. Try for one that will take effort though. Might need to adjust it during the season of course, no shame in that since you might be totally wrong on what your build can do.

This doesn’t mean the game is a job. It is a personal goal that gives a sense of achievement when you see it coming closer and when you finally reach it (which is why it should be slightly hard to get there).

It is different from “OK I want that slightly better weapon for 2% more damage cause I guess that is the next thing” since it is a longer term goal. Those are what you go for between to reach the real goal. I even make a list of need to improve this item then this one and need this stat etc etc and then at some point work out how many GR’s I need for that paragon goal.

This makes a huge difference in my play time. Last time I didn’t do this I did something like 70 hours for the season while my normal is 150-200.

Second one for me, do something else while playing. I kind of assume everyone does this though. The only time I just play is when I am pushing. The rest of the time I am listening to stuff in the background. I am always listening to some youtube channel with 20 or more minute videos or a podcast, you can definitely follow some talking entirely while doing farming. Listen to music, watch a stream, watch a series you kind of want to rewatch but not entirely so you can zone out on it.

As for this wall problem, this is what I do:

  1. Alternate between activities. Find a good balance that works for you to combat boredom. I like farming 100-150 keys then using all of them for speed GRs then rinse and repeat. To me the small difference of rifts having stuff that drops vs GRs just running through makes a difference, also the maps that differ.

  2. Play different builds. I greatly prefer one build for rifts and one for GR’s. Tons of builds can do proper T16’s. Switch the follower you use, do rifts with another class, small changes basically.

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To ontheleft, I don’t quite understand why you choose to play hardcore then - where everything equipped is at risk to be lost at any moment?

And another thing; with all this bad luck in getting items, don’t ever think about playing an LoD build, where every item is preferred to be ancient.

I second this thought. I’ve been listening to the baseball Cardinals games while I play. Or I turn pandora and listen to some good 80’s tunes while playing. I do a lot finagling with builds too. Like, I might take a build that’s not known as a speedster and see how many modifiers I can lose and still run T16 and replace those items with speed things, like Warzechian’s, BotH, Echoing Fury and stuff like that and try to get the build where it can run a single bounty in 2 minutes or less. Once I’m satisfied, I then do five sets of bounties before going back to running rifts and GRifts. The build is then saved in my armory just so when I need to take a break from Rifts and GRifts, it’s there to fall back on.

You just described every rpg/progression game ever The further you get the harder it becomes to continue making progress. Making a perfect character is infinitely harder than making a great character. Once you reach a level you’re satisfied with and it starts feeling like a job, congrats you’ve “beaten” the game or at least that character. Time to make a new one or move on to something else, or just continue playing for the sake of the action and eventually you’ll make more progress without trying to force it.

I’m also SSF and while what you say is true, I don’t see a problem for it. Can’t expect to make rapid progress for ever. I played a ton of D3 in it’s early and ros days, then took like a 5 year break, and now just came back for this season and am having a blast again.

You don’t need to treat this (or any) game like the only thing you can do that you must do forever. There are tons of other things you could be doing or playing. I always find it peculiar when people complain that a game doesn’t keep them entertained indefinitely. - especially a static one-time purchase game that isn’t constantly being developed.


First of all, let me say I HATE POWERLEVELING PEOPLE. When people beg in chat to PL all day it drives everyone nuts. That said, I love helping SSF players who figure out this isn’t a SSF game. Like, If Rage would let me, I’d take him through a page of sanctified puzzle rings, unlock 150 for him, and he could be “that guy” everyone talks about how has 800 paragon doing 150s. Being able to cherry pick and fish your GRs is such a blessing. I know he would never do that, but he could if he wanted to!

Progress made by groups is far more than solo progress. The gap is huuuuge.

A smaller gap between solo play and group play should be implemented. Perhaps by means of the follower. Using xp gear on follower could give double the pre 70 bonus. More damage output and less damage received etc.

Allowing for better and faster solo progression thus making the gap smaller.

that’s why you have recipe 4 in the cube.

I mean everyone hits that wall, you just hit it later by going SSF. Personally, I hit it by 30 hours each season. I get full augments and am looking for primals, and frankly that’s not very compelling. And it’s not like I can keep up with the botters or 4 man metas.

D3 endgame is crap. simple as that.

I’m 120 hours in in this season and I have plenty of room for upgrades on just ancients.

And is it fun trying to find better rolls for all of the items you already have? For most people it isn’t and in fact Ancient/Primals are kind of a lazy design.

I vastly prefer this system where it’s easy to get a build going and hard to perfect it than a system where it’s just hard to get a viable build going and once you have it you’re done.

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