The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

When a new tweet from the response of a major game developer stated that no new features will be added to D2R at launch, I knew that trying to advocate for an optional system like personal loot is now a lost caused due to Blizzard’s history of promising features that they never ended up adding post-launch (like in their other games such as WoW). Blizzard is known to bank on pre-orders to determine success and when the developer states that a post with thousands of votes on Reddit didn’t even matter about a core feature on consoles like D2R, I knew that advocating for a personal loot option for D2R is now a lost cause. If these non-features in D2R matter to you, then the only way you are now going to be able to get Blizzard to listen is by voting with your wallet by refunding your pre-order and stating why in the feedback portion of your refund.

Here is my two weekend full beta experience that I played for 40+ hours to see if I wanted to keep this game or not, that is regarding the most important feature to me, the loot system in public multiplayer games:

During my beta gameplay, I was only able to pick up around >10% of any good drops from playing. Trying to grab loot from my kills by other players when I played range classes felt like a full time job due to the distance I was from the loot between the melee player and myself. I feel, one of the most toxic systems in D2R is the loot system, and unfortunately the bots, the players who cheat using the pickit scripts and purists who don’t want any changes to their game is going to ruin the multiplayer experience for the majority of the games players, who also make up for the biggest part of Blizzard’s revenue. Blizzard if the only thing that needs to be added as an option that would simply prevent the cheaters (bots and players using the pickit scripts) from stealing loot in public multiplayer games from legitimate players is an option for personal loot, then why wouldn’t you add it and finally fix this ongoing issue in D2 for over the last decade+ to make public multiplayer games enjoyable so players can play with others and make new friends without worrying about cheaters stealing loot? I know that people hate when others bring up D3, but one of the main reason why they added personal loot was to fix these cheaters from stealing other players loot, and it worked.

When I tried using a controller, the functionality made me lose every time since I had to position my character close enough to an item in order for it to be highlighted so I could pick it up. It was totally useless since there are multiple items bunched up close together, so it was extremely difficult trying to position myself close to the item I wanted to loot, by the time I had done that a player with a simple mouse click was already able to take the loot, and once the bots and pickit scripts are added into D2R post-launch it will be impossible. People who play with controllers (i.e. those with disabilities) are going to be forced to buy a console if they want a fair advantage on picking up loot, since it’s impossible to keep up with mouse and keyboard players on PC or those using cheats and now they will be forced to buy an inferior product since it was announced that lobbies won’t be added to consoles at launch, and wasn’t confirmed to be after post-launch.

I can see this being the biggest deterrent from casuals (the biggest majority of your customers) from buying the game since lobbies in D2 was a key aspect of the game that was used for important and social aspects of the game like trading and doing cow lvl runs. Additionally, by not adding in an option to make personal loot games, players will now be spending more time fighting over loot by seeing who can get their mouse to click fastest than the contribution and killing of the mobs and bosses in the game or those who just want to sit back and relax in multiplayer and focus on killing enemies while making friends instead of playing mouse clicking simulator 9000. By Blizzard allowing toxic systems in the game, this only further promotes players being toxic to abuse these features like those who will be stealing loot from other players with the pickit script (Google it, it’s the first link on the search results with the source code and program available to download and use off GitHub) Playing range classes/builds and playing with a controller on PC was one of the most toxic looting experience that I have ever experienced and will only get worse post-launch when valuable loot will be dropping. Now, I can see why the original developer of D2 wanted to have a personal loot system. FFA is pulling the community apart, rather than making it a better atmosphere for team work in multiplayer. The only thing that is stopping this game from being a good multiplayer experience when farming for items is the FFA system. Blizzard please now make the multiplayer experience in D2R about team work by the participation in killing the enemies of hell instead of whoever can click their mouse the fastest for loot.

Blizzard the so called “purists” never even played D2 in recent years because they are not the ones who have kept this game alive, it has been the modding community with their QoL improvements. These so called “purists” are actually doing more harm than good for the future of D2R since D2 is actually being kept alive by the modding community and not them and casuals such as those from D3 are going to be expecting QoL improvements to the game like personal loot when they initially purchase the game. I fear for the longevity of this game if more QoL improvements like the toxic loot system are not fixed by simply adding an option. Additionally, this feature wouldn’t even affect them since it’s an option, so they can just simply choose not to use it and many that stated they were against it also stated in other posts that they only farm for loot solo.

There are many ways that the loot system can be fixed in public multiplayer games. One simple a proof of concept on this system has already been made D2:R Loot Roll Demo - YouTube and again, this feature would only be optional, since pursists could choose just not to use it. The most important thing about personal loot is that it would stop the bots and the toxic players using the automated pickit scripts to steal loot from legitimate players from being used. Just like how it was fixed in D3 and since it’s only an option, you can simply choose if you want this better experience in public multiplayer games when farming for loot or not by choosing to use it. Blizzard I feel that the three most important issues currently with the game that is going to determine game success for the masses and for the company is a personal loot option, lobbies on console, and fixing the current functionality for controllers on PC.

Update: The Reason Why We Still Fight. :fist:


Drops in public are not that important, normally you run private games to farm gear.
Public is for questing and exp farming.

Edit: And even if there are “take everything” people there are also alot people that don’t pick up stuff if they don’t need it themself.


I’ll admit it can be annoying in some situations, but Diablo 3 is on the complete opposite side of the spectrum and it’s even worse to not feel the immersion of playing a multiplayer game.

You wanna know what’s in the middle? WoW’s item system. Any notable item that drops is rolled among the party and anyone can press “Need” “Don’t Need” or “Roll”. I wouldn’t be against Blizzard adding this as an optional item system in the room options.

edit: aww i’m sandwiched inbetween two replies with 20+ hearts but I only got 4 for finding a medium solution? kiss my a** chat.


my dude, thats why you pub for xp, and solo/group with “friends” for loot. your experience will be much more rewarding to play like this until you develop speedy clicks.

Or iif ur in a pub for the loot (bonus mf), just go to places other folks are not while not in a party so they dont see and try to snipe ur kills


This what Rasm187 says, this sums it up perfectly.


Welcome to Diablo 2! Things are not handed to you in the first 2 hrs of gameplay.


See ya at release my boy.


also theres a learning curve to this game… it won’t hand it to you. mobility is relative getting faster run walk items will help on the long run. also even with an amazon being at the right spot at the right time is part of it… basicaly you have to learn to slow down and get close even on a ranged character. you can’t play this like “an all other games ranger type”. usualy what id do in these situations is either get right in there with the character or start dealing damage and then dive in when they are almost dead to make sure im close when drops go.

also you will learn to be quicker with the mouse etc… it takes time tough so i suggest trying solo or with friends first… it will also help cause you can share items then and everyone is happy.


the loot system is perfect … you just sont know how to play this kind of game. lol i hope they will never change the loot system


Fighting over loots is challenging,but that makes the game better. Where is all the fun without any challenging at all?

Anyway I know how you feel, but If anyone takes it before you, then GL next time. You have plenty of chances to grab the good items.

I have played Diablo II since release and I have also experienced many times people are faster than me. But I don’t mind,cause I know I will find It next time.

You could play solo or with friends, If you want all items on the ground. And you could also play at distance so no one can take them before you.

FFA is part of Diablo II, that includes D2:R aswell.


People nowadays just like stuff handed to them on a silver platter. I have fond memories of either grabbing arach from pug diablo drop or someone grabbing something from under my feet. Part of the game, quite fun :slight_smile:


Problem is that playing alone is boring and iritating by immune system, game was intended in later patches (immunes) to be played with groups/teams, but players were frced to play private due to terrible and outdated drop system, in this one thing D3 is better.

Downloading loot scrips won’t be challenging.


indeed, sadly.
people nowadays just like to complain a lot and want the game to hand everything to them.
people always complaining about loot, the “endless” grinding and what so ever, but fail to understand that this game has been out longer than any modern day game has and it probably will stay, after the remaster, even longer.
diablo 2s success speaks for itself, there is indeed no need for any major change tho.


If you have any friends, try playing with them in a private game? Co-op with people you know is great.


This is Diablo 2 remastered lol, if you don’t like the loot leave. This ain’t rubbish Diablo 3


How is name calling people “purists” and say they are ruining the game when the loot system was design this way to begin with. If you want 100% loot for yourself are you not capable of playing SP ? You will find good stuff and if not for a character you have or want trade it. Trade is new to a lot of D3 players I know but here trade is ok. Also we dont need players encouraging and following bots. If Blizz can’t or won’t fix that PK them can be fun. And if you are playing with friends or a clan and they dont share loot well they are not much of a friend or a clan.


People adapted to the FFA loot; they farm gear in private (MF, etc) or with friends you trust and they go to public games to farm exp; getting loot is a bonus.

Please adapt instead of being selfish and trying to change the game to your narrative.


At its core, D2R is a loot hunt game

So to be clear, essentially, you agree that public multiplayer games should either be avoided or the player should go off on their own in a different area than the rest of the players due to the deficiencies of the FFA loot system.


Diablo 2 loot drop system is trash and is the main reason I play this game single player. It discourages people from playing together except for specific reasons like XP farming or Quests. However, it’s likely here to stay as it would require a fairly sizable rework and rebalance.

Play with friends who will share the loot, or play by yourself.


If you are hunting for loot and dont want to deal with the heartache of being slow/missing an item then yes. You can still play multiplayer with friends you make along the way.

The real secret to this game, is the friends you make along the way. U throw someone some loot, and they do it back. Suddenly the game is less daunting

U cant expect randos that you dont talk to even know u exist