Have they ever recycled Season themes?

I haven’t participated in many seasons, so having these Ethereal weapons and the power creep which they bring got me thinking about how they could one-up it for S25. Has there ever been a season which the theme provided such a power creep that they could recycle, or do you think they may have something else they’re planning on?

I realize there are still several weeks left of S24 and everything is purely hypothetical/speculative.

I don’t believe that they’ve recycled a theme as of yet.

Not yet. We should run a registered user poll asking what theme they should remaster.

Not about power creep. However they HAVE re-used very old Season themes as late season bonuses.

For example the Season 14 theme of Greed (double goblins) was granted part way through a season during COVID.

During Season 21 they also brought back double bounties


The “season of the follower” will be repeated for all time as it is was made a permanent addition.

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Not sure about recycling themes, but they have been recycling seasonal cosmetic rewards - wings and pets. Last season Emerald Serpent pet was recycled from season 11( :thinking:?)

If they can repeat the seasons 16, 20, 22 & 24 buffs in one season… :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, I think they’ll find others ideas for future seasons.