Hahahahaha Path of Exile 2 was Announced

HeY gAiZ dId YoU kNoW GGG iS dUmBiNg DoWn ThE gAmE bY tAkInG sOckEtS oFf ItEmS?!?! WaY tO rUiN tHe CoNsUmAbLe EcOnOmY fOr SlOtS aNd CoLoRs FkN cAsUaL wHiNeRs. DeAd GaMe.

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I just hope this makes them work even harder than they have been to push this game out, as super excited as I was when D3 got announced and finally released I really dont want to wait 4 freakin years…seriously…

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POE2 looks Guuud too. Blizzard Team needs to step up their game big time.


Nah, they aren’t capable of making such a game.

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They Blizz talk to much about world event of Diablo 4 and that’s make me feel so bad.

If they want to make Diablo 4 become a MMO game then please don’t name it Diablo.

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It’s like eating Macdonald’s and And fake meat patty without seasoning. Where Diablo 4 is the latter.

Uh. When you say D4 is the latter you need a former to compare it to. All I see is McDonalds.

Further… really? You don’t even know what either game is yet. Neither one is close to release.

If you end up preferring PoE2, that’s fine. I don’t care. Shaddup and go play it.


Uhm. No it’s not. It’s a completely new campaign. It literally happens 20 years after the original campaign. Not here to argue which game is better but you are misinformed.

I would think the game lost ark would be a big competition too.

Probably not for those considering D4 too MMOish.
It is ever going to release here anyway.

The biggest problem i foresee Diablo 4 having is the monetization scheme.

With games like PoE being free to play, and making up for that with MTX’s, and games like Grim Dawn being a single payment + expansions, like D3. I think D4 will have a bad rep if it does go ahead with what was mentioned at Blizzcon by one the lead devs.

That being:

Base game purchase

Theres no defending AAA games from a large publisher/dev like ActiBliz/Blizzard, charging AAA prices for the base game and expansions and then also building into the game MTX’s.
MTX’s always, without exception, detract from the game, and if ur paying full price for the base game and expansions, you should get the entire experience.

I know its the done thing nowadays, but it doesnt make it right, and doesnt excuse it. Nobody wants to see Blizzard go further down the road paved by EA. It ends in disaster, with the wreckage of game dev studios and great game franchises left behind in its wake.


It looks a lot better, but what I have seen from D4 and peo2 Blizzard has the edge still. And they will keep it since they are the masters of polish.

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They’ve said they won’t sell power so no pay-to-win and they are selling only cosmetics which do not have any gameplay effects.

But so long as the prices are reasonable and the towns are not flooded with players decked out in mass cosmetics, there really shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

I find it really lame calling it PoE2, it’s still PoE, the presenter even himself called it PoE 4.0 accidentally during presentation.

Same game, no really big changes, new campaign is interesting and I’m probably going to play it to the end and then drop the game as I always do because of the bad endgame (that is most likely not going to change).

Not saying that D4 will be better, don’t know enough about it, but people shouting the glories of PoE 2 when it’s just an update is annoying.

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I tried PoE several times and I hate it. It just sucks compared to D3. So my prediction is that PoE2 will also suck compared to D4. Other questions?


The problem isnt the type of MTX, its the fact their there. Even if its cosmetic, it means those cosmetics wont be in the base game for people to earn, to aim for.

MTX’s are never ‘convenience’. its never the case of:
" hey if u dont have the time to grind because ur working, then feel free to purchase it outright, let those who do have the time get it in game " …
its always:
" hey if u want this, the only way ur getting it is by paying us"

Thats excusable in a F2P game, but not in a AAA full price game. The AAA price is for the ENTIRE game, all of it, no exceptions.
Its fine to sell cosmetics to those who want to save time, the whales MTX’s aim for will still buy them, they are whales, they have the disposable cash to throw at it.

As for " no pay to win" … POE says that … yet the stash space MTX’s exist, and in a ARPG designed around collecting gear … stash space affects gameplay.

You know damn well D4 will do that as well. The stash space MTX’s in POE are effectively compulsory purchases for any1 who wants to play further than a single campaign play through. Its kinda of excusable for POE …sort of … because of the F2P nature, but not for a game like D4.

The ONLY way MTX’s in Diablo 4 would be ‘tolerable’, along with base game purchase and expansion purchase, is if ALL the MTXs are earnable in game without unrealistic grind required, so that ur paying for ‘convenience’ and ‘time’. But this wont happen.

Yeah, this is true, and problematic in PoE.
The devs have a high incentive to keep adding new currencies etc., so they can add new stash tabs that support them. Which is exactly what they keep doing.

If Blizzard doesn’t handle it right then yes they risk substantial backlash.

But for now, what they will or will not do is largely speculative.


I don’t see how Overwatch or PoE’s schemes detract from the game. As long as MTXs don’t affect player power, I don’t care.

Really ?

Well tbh, its not exactly hard to see. .infact its very obvious. If you think Overwatch and PoE MTX are ok …then im not sure i can explain it in any way that would change ur mind… none the less ill try.

So Overwatch has …lootboxes… that alone is huge, in regards to content of the MTX’s …well , i think ud be hard pressed to find som1 who would say that u can earn everything u can buy via MTX in game within a reasonable time frame.

If u cant earn it in game, and u cant do that without massive amounts of grind… then the MTX IS affecting the game. it may not be P2W, but its affecting the game content and effort:reward loop.