[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Right, I think more along the lines of if I could pull it off if I had Iron Impact and TS up. Maybe if could of set s the drop of Taeguk 20% armor buff for the extra chance to proc AD.

But then your AD doesn’t have the added damage from Taeguk! You get what I’m saying? If Taeguk goes down, you lose a lot of damage. It’s more damage lost than if Trapped were to momentarily shut down.

The key is to maintain all damage buffs, hit your hard-casts, and get out of there without overwriting your Rends. That’s actually pretty simple–just exit in a straight line to minimize the risk of Rend overlaps.

Edit: Saw your other post and want to clarify: It’s cool to think outside the box, but the box is, well, already more or less stretched to its limits. Most any other direction you go is going to result in a significant loss in damage, efficiency, or toughness. The build is flexible, but not that flexible without taking a major hit somewhere.

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About 12% mitigation.

About 43% damage.

That would have been true for old-school WW, probably not for WhirlRend. Still a lot of damage to lose, though.

I’m pretty sure this is somewhere between difficult and impossible, unless you’re using Rend: Ravage. Most guys who you hit with 12-yard-radius Rend will also get hit by 9 yard radius WW/DDs.

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1st time clearing GR 123 Rank 483 w/ 25 sec to spare(I really need to make better game play decisions). At this point I’ve dropped 3 CDR roll for AD 134% (weps & one of my rings).


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Free - have you considered revising your armor/weapon/ring chart for season 20 to reflect FnR across all paragon levels? You only recommend it for the highest paragon players, but I can tell you I switched over to FnR at paragon 800 and the difference was night and day. It blew away MoC/CoE, all other variants.

I think FnR + BoM/Obsidian in cube is by far the best combo, regardless of paragon level. The seasonal leaderboard supports this setup from top to bottom.

Good catch. Yes, I’ll make that adjustment.

My original thinking is that if you don’t have well-rolled FnR rings, you’re missing out on a lot of crucial stats, but the affix’s multiplier more than makes up for it.

On a side note, if you have questions about items, skills, or variants related to this build, please post them there, not in new threads. It keeps the forum more organized and centralizes discussion to relevant topics and their guides.

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Sure - would love to get your feedback on the FOT thread:

FOT 1:

  • 899 Vitality
  • 64% Crit Damage
  • 9% Crit
  • 8% CDR
  • Socket (rerolled)
  • Poison Res

FOT 2:

  • 99-183 Damage
  • 17% Physical Damage
  • 10% Crit (rerolled)
  • 8% CDR
  • Socket
  • Increased Health Globes

FOT 2 shows a 13% increase in Rend DPS in D3 Planner, but hard to stomach losing the 64% CD (or the 10% crit if go with CD instead but healing will be unsustainable in the mid 120 GRs). Also need to keep in mind I’ll have to reallocate some paragon from Str to Vit to make up for the loss with FOT2.

What do you think? Is FOT 2 a viable upgrade?

Cleared GR 124


Tommorow I try for 125.


I’m now down to phishing and I think I’m figuring out the play style for this setup. I gathered density along with Elites (3) in a GR 125. I was doing WW circling in the middle try proc an Oculus ring. It was taking longer than I expected, so I started hard-casting. As soon the Oculus ring appeared I stopped hard-casting. I then casted TS: Demoralize and all enemies walked towards me like moths to a flames while I sat in the Oculus ring. Everything melted so quickly. This situation gave me about 3 minutes of progression (no conduit, power, or channeling shrines). I honestly think that I can clear 125 in half the allotted time (with shrines). I could be totally off, but this is what I’m projecting (I have no doubts about clearly 125 w/ some easy). Sorry if I’m coming across arrogant, just very excited.


Nope, just that you’re realising how important gathering, hard casting and good pylons are. I’ve had GR levels where I’ve only just succeeded by a couple of seconds then the next GR difficulty up, I get a Festering Woods / Battlefields map, with good pylons, and beaten the time by 2-3 minutes.


Well done, DH!

Good luck, bro!


At what GR would you guys say the progress curve starts flattening out and Rage Flip / Fishing becomes more of a necessity for progression?

Assume Paragon 1500 with mostly augmented items. I’m at 1400 right now and although I can still progress, definitely needing to fish more now at GR 124.

Probably about where you are now.

I mean, RF / Fishing will pretty much always increase your clear potential at any GR level above what you’d consider “speeds”. Hard-casting fits into that picture, too.

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Yah I know what you mean. Up until 122’ish, I was clearing everything with reasonable ease, regardless of density. Lately I’ve had to try 6-7 GRs to find decent density to clear.

On an unrelated note, I’ve started using Ambo/EF with Squirts/St Archews (cube) for 110’sh speed runs and I’m LOVING the combo. Hits way harder than BK and almost as fast movement wise from the EF stacks.

Debating whether to reroll the Strength or the IAS on EF for 10% CDR. Does the built-in IAS make much difference or am I better off keeping 950 strength?

Happy Monday, fellow barbarians!

Is this the thread to link our best clears using zodiac rend barb? Or is there an official one elsewhere?


This is the one! You can also cross-post them in the stickied Archive thread where I collect and maintain many excellent Barb videos!

For Rend, you’ll want to keep the STR rather than the IAS.

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Awesome! Thanks, Free! I saw the archived thread you mentioned.
When I have a GR run worthy and meets the requirements I’ll post a link. :grin:

Thx Rage - appreciate you always taking the time to answer our questions.

No problem, man, I do my best!