I will finally get this spear but look…
I got next clear with my current setup, thats humongous 134 with Infernal Maiden.
Looks like i found my final builid and its W5 / CC2 / IB / AD with hard cast rends.
134 took me less then 30 keys, demoralize was key in this clear.
Ofc spear builid is staple and got better potential prob but im just doing heavy clears today with this:
I know how spear works but i still can spam all my abilities (perma ip + wrath, a lot demoralize casts) and TS offer damage reduction together with pull proces. Work for me, i cant belive i jumped 3 tiers in one day basically from 131 to 134 in one evening (around 200 keys total).
Thanks, my english is not good so i may explained not good.
I know my dps comes mostly from AD now but i keep using demoralize instead ancient spear. I tried few times without demoralize and i lack defense, we will see if i can clear more with it. 135 push sounds already so much top ;d
Yes, thats it. I imagine Spear is cool to drag if some mobs running out or u wanna drag them to next screen. But in my way I just TS them so they follow me for 4 seconds and they deal less dmg for 15 seconds - this second part is especially good for me since im not very high paragon and they can kill me in one second. TS give me this additional reduction and its still its pull tool after all.
I rly tried with spear but i was one shoted a lot more so i switch to TS and its my way to play this builid.
After all im here with my bubarian and 134 clear thanks to you and your guide, i learned all mechanics u wrote here in your guide so thanks again for this barb fun and all inspirations.
Yesterday, I failed a number of GR123s in a row, by a couple of minutes each due to horrible maps / mob types / pylons. Then I got a vaguely open map, a good conduit, and the tornados from 100 kills, the geysers from 150 kills, the golden rain from 200 kills and the meteor shower from 400 kills all aligned nicely and this happened…
Being able to embed pictures is restricted to posters that have obtained Trust Level 3 on the forums. There’s a stickied thread explaining all this stuff in General Discussion…
Well, imagine you find that very good first floor and did it +3 min to the timer… and on the second floor mobs/map that aren’t sutable for this strategy (but still doable with another one)?
Yesterday I tried NS and did 125 in 12:20 with Conduit at about 80% progress. Maps weren’t bad (Moors, Deserts, Archives) but with low population (the strategy above wouldn’t work). I had 3k paragon, 25k str, 2.7kk dps (bad equipment). I only have items from S18 there so I used IB and Crimson without CoE.
5-7 levels would be a better estimate; two gg festering with vile swarms and fatties. I had one of these on the 131 I ran in NS got 80% progress in 6 minutes had to go through 4 more floors of dead and bad maps (corvis, a1 crypt, sewer) before I got RG up.
Vile swarms are great because they don’t do a lot of damage, have tiny hit boxes and pop fast so you can crush elites with the secondary rend explosions/hard cast AD. Plus killstreak bonus, also why you’d want fatties in the mix.
Just came in here to thank you, Free. You’re always around giving your fellow barbarians a helping hand. This guide has more content and more in depth analysis than any homework I’ve done in my old school days.
Currently struggling with fury generation, I’ll try swapping to the other weapon set (though I haven’t seen one of those sword drop yet). I’m new to this weapon set and wanted to try it out but the lack of fury (tried with animosity but still not enough) is killing me.
An advice to anyone in the lower tiers like me, don’t copy the high rank players on the leaderboard. Stone Gauntlets require perma Wrath. Perma Wrath requieres a high amount of CDR and constant fury input to spam WW.
Ground stomp and another fury generator/defensive filler (I’m running War Cry for some rage and dodge - useful while Wrath is off and recharging) may help, but they don’t provide enough fury to keep up WW.
I wonder whether second instance of Rend applied from Bloodbath is always calculated off MH damage like hard-cast, or it alternates MH and OH like Ambos… In the first case %Damage on MH might be better then AD. In second I’d prefer AD.
Best thing to follow is this Guide, hands down!
Im pushing 12X in seasonal, some tips avaliable here worth Gold and make the dif between a success and a fail (AS and HC Rend Im looking at you).
PS. Using WW6 and BK, and Im failing hard to manage the Pandemonium yet.
That’s a really good question. I don’t know! I won’t be on much this weekend, so if anyone gets around to testing, please post your results here!
Awesome! Good luck on your pushes!
Congrats on your clear! And congrats on having the second best transmogs!
Yes and no. As you push the build to its limits at a certain main stat amount (in my case, 125 @ 17k main stat was very difficult), you begin to see that maps where you can’t Spear mobs (narrow tunnels, caves, etc) or mob types whose hit-boxes interfere too much with the terrain or other mobs are just not going to work. If I get a festering, but it’s all large hit-box mobs that resist pulls, it’s time to skip or quit and remake.
Since I use Stomp as well, I have two methods of gathering and shifting density. I use Spear to collect several screens of density, and Stomp to pack them into an Oculus bubble. At least, that’s what I do when Wallers aren’t ruining my day.
Yes! Swarms are one of the best mob types to have in the mix. They follow long distances, have low HP, and offer up a lot of progress. If you get skeletons, swamrs, and grotesques, all you need is one good Pylon and you have a clear!
Thank you! I’m glad it’s helpful!
I’m currently working on my doctorate, so this is a nice break from all the critical theory with which I normally work.
Swap Krede’s Flame for Band of Might. That will solve any toughness issues and let you take Stone Gauntlets out of the Cube until you have enough CDR on gear for perma-Wrath.
As for Fury, you shouldn’t have any issues once you’re in a rift. Wind Shear is fantastic for generating Fury.
First of all big thanks to the effort you put into the barb community.
Especially Rage and Free (sry if I missed some1 really important)
In the last couple of weeks the zodiac-rend build changed quiet a bit since we do hardcast rend from now on to maximise damage in trash because of area dmg.
The problem is that I´m lost and don´t know how to continue my barb from now on. I made a break since the first week of the season but now got time again and wanna rock the leaderboard.
Here is what my gear and skills currently look like: `https://www.d3planner.com/998673786
What should I change on my gear to be better suited from now on?
Thanks again
Ps: Didn´t now where to post this question elswhere? (maybe barb reddit)
Well, my NS char has 3k paragon but due to bad equipment she has only 2.7kk DPS (I need to add 200 CHD, 15 Rend, 20 AD, 2k STR). My seasonal char with 1.6kk paragon has more DPS. Your damage on 125 is not a problem, on the video you killed trash very fast… but you spent too much time for pulling on the first floor and left 4 elite packs unkilled. Lacuni Slashers are very profitable.
I have very little experience in pushing with WW so it’s better to ask a more skilled player but here’s some simplified version of my strategy (I still need to do few hundreds GRs for more accurate tuning).
Small slow monsters (Zombies, etc.)
Gather a large group with few elite packs and kill them. Pull onward survived elite if there are any.
This is what you usually see on top clear videos (because this monsters provide you the best clear potential). And this is what you use.
Large fast monsters (Lacuni Slashers, etc.)
Gather a relatively small group fast and start damaging them. Traverse slowly through the rift constantly damaging monsters. Don’t waste your time for gathering large groups because you can’t damage the whole screen. This monsters chase you by themself and eventually die. Pull elite packs with you because you always have enough trash for AD procs. When you see that there are too many chasers (they begin to drop behind) or too many elite packs (you can’t survive) then stop traversing and fight (kill some trash or elite) to solve the problem.
Small fast monsters (Lacuni Huntress, etc.)
Use any of above tactics depending on situation.
Very small monsters (Spiderlinks, etc.)
Gather a small group (probably just with one Stomp), kill them and run. Don’t waste your time for pulling elite packs because you will not get enough trash to kill elite packs.
Large slow monsters
It depends on type of other monsters. If they are not belongs to one of listed above types you can try:
pull them through the rift without damaging till you decide the group is large enough to start traverse slowly through the rift constantly damaging monsters or decide stop and kill them all.
run through the rift till you find an elite pack, gather monsters from the nearest screens and kill them.
I usually search for a GR level that I can do 50% of tries and do it again and again. When I see that I succeed more often than fail, I increase the level. This way allows me to improve my understanding of the build.