[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Great advice! Didn’t think of the gloves

Also you want your average to be 2 minutes. If your 103s are 230-320 you need to drop it down. I know that is terrible for gems up but this is how these squirts build work best. They are only for exp farming. More rift closes means more exp. Considering you didn’t have the build right I bet when you get it set right you will be close to 2 minutes.

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I’m thinking 130 for the first round. Some garbage set of maps will likely ruin it.

Yeah, on my 125s I nearly failed on one rift that was just endless Korvus/Cave/Banished/Sewers filled with spear throwers and arcane elites. Finished with only 5 seconds remaining, but I finished!

Yah this isn’t fun for WW. I gave up after half a run. Don’t have the single target damage even in 130s. Frenzy really is the best build for this kinda challenge.

Hmm, I guess 130 is too high. Maybe try 125 and see how it feels?

Hey fellas, just picked up a chest upgrade. Wondering what you would suggest I reroll. 11% Rend -> 15%, or lvl reduce -> 7% melee dmg reduction?

New Chest, no rerolls yet

641 Str
114 All Res
11% Rend

+Health Globes 2 Radius
Lvl Reduce 34

Current Chest

621 Str
646 Vit
14% Rend

192 Fire res
reduce range dmg 6%

Id roll rend to 15% and keep hunting. Defensive stats don’t help core build that much once you get the basic stats going. Just getting that new all res roll will be a big help though. I just found a 633 str/130 allres/ 15% rend rolled/6% melee but I only use it with my squirts build for better uptime. My primal has 17 more str so I will take the .00000000000001% increase damage. lol!!!

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Meta Trash Killer?

Hey gang!

I revisited this variation:


I gave it a shot in a multiplayer game (after running zbarb for the last 3 months).

WD 4000k para
Sader 3000k
Me 2800
Zbarb 1300k

We cleared GR 125 multiple time in roughly 4 minutes.

I play in the same style by tanking in the Oculus ring, when it’s advantageous. All my para points go to main stat, movement, and Fury. I’m wondering if with the right support I could drop BoM for CoE. Am I reading too much into this or is there some credence?

Your literally doing none of the damage. The WD and Sader are basically one shotting all the mobs. Very simple test for you to see what I mean. Take that same build and jump into a 125 solo run. If it was viable for group meta trash killer everything should die very easy. Solo is 150% less health and about 7% less damage. I can’t even do a 125 in 4 minutes and I am approaching 6k with almost perfect gear. Your basically just running the crimson push build but with rubies and no COE. COE is mandatory for that level no matter what which means you drop Band of might. This is the reason crimson is for high paragons only. You need the armor to survive. Also our area damage does not allow us to run meta effectively aside from being under powered.


Not in a negative sense, but WD and Sader are pretty OP to be carrying two Barbs (they were hardly ever in the Oculus ring) .

It’d be nice if Diablo had damage meters like WOW for situations like this :grin:

It sure would be nice.

I did some basic D3 planner calculations. When I’m clicking on all cylinders, this is my damage output:

21,071,943,744,012 (multiply this by 85% or .85, when I tank in the Oculus ring for however long the ring is up)

Roughly 38,000,000,000,000

What does that translate too? Nothing, it appears. My lying eyes sure do make me feel like I’m making a contribution. :thinking:

Problem with d3 planner is they do not factor in things like area damage. Area damage in density is the majority of our damage. You take that away and you have nothing. From 136% area and 15 enemies within 10 yards creates a damage boost of 386%. You can’t do this in group because the game would instantly crash and still be less damage then WD,necro,vrys, and probably a few other decent trash killers out there. The reason wwrend is great in solo is because we have spear and can manually drag mobs around to out liking. No other class solo can do that. We can stack 30-40 mobs on top of each other and watch the game struggle to keep up. My push build has 5.8 mill sheet unbuffed and 158% area damage and can not consistently clear a 130. You put 158% together with a 40 count of swarms or fatty/zombie combo and boooooom juicy progression. You do that same thing in a 4man group and the game will instantly lock up.

I totally agree, AD in a 4 man doesn’t fly.

I do have to say that Bloodbath’s innate AD is nothing to sneeze at (within the Oculus). It’s quite a “boooooom” in its own right and a sight to see. I’m not saying it replaces any current meta trash killer, but that it might be nice AD substitute that won’t bogg down or lock up the game. But I’m no expert.

It really isn’t anywhere near what you are thinking it is capable of. Blizzard has tuned wwrend to account for area damage. You take area damage off and you have no damage. Also dust devils will still lock down the game. This was the very first thing I tested on PTR when the rend change happened. All of this is borderline an issue in solo but in groups even small pulls can lock up the game.

I know that AD is tremendous, but to go to the extreme of saying, “you have no damage” is a bit exaggerated.

Possibly, but in the same token you underestimate what it’s capable of. :laughing:

I’ve played both and know that AD is much stronger, but Oculus also packs a punch. I wish I could find where Rage said that Oculus buff actually translated to a 1.15 multiplier or something to that extent. That quite a buff.

I am considering oculus ring as well. We use it on follower so it is already accounted for. Your exact words

Not even close. I can maybe trash clear for 120s in a 4 man group. I am still short 30 greater rifts worth of damage. If I take off all area damage so that it is even possible now we are running a speed build to kill trash thats buffed to a 4 man party. That’s 50% more health per group member. And even if we did have the damage. Dust devils would lock up the game on any good pull so. There is no point even discussing it outside of no it’s not viable or competitive let alone even possible.

I agree, barb doesn’t make a good trash killer. I’m thankful that I’m not getting kicked for games for not zdpsing.

Yes and no. Zipping in and out of the Oculus and hoping that HC will proc AD for the split second that you’re in there, is different from sitting in the Oculus for its full duration and HCing (I’m changing my focus to AD because that seem to be your focus). It’s just as different as Oculus plus AD and Oculus minus AD. When advantageous, tanking in the Oculus is a tremendous buff to both HC and non-HC damage for the full 8 second duration of Oculus. I don’t think you ever played in this style, so there might be a disconnect for what Oculus is really capable of. Again, I’m not trying to make argument for barb in meta (at this point), but rather an argument that you might be undervaluing what taking full advantage of the Oculus is actually capable of. To do that you would have too tank within the ring, there’s no way around it.

We are not discussing the value of occulus ring… You asked if wwrend could be a “META” trash killer. The answer is no anyway you look at it. AD with or without oculus makes very little difference in terms of being a trash killer in meta groups. We just don’t have the damage. If you want to be the trash killer is speeds then go for it. This is what wwrend is best at but oculus is not likely even worth taking on the zbarb as everything is one shots. A max oculus is worth 85% when you are in it. If you could stay in oculus for every trash pull 100% of the time that is 4 GRs worth of damage. Oculus is random and if your lucky you will be able to use 50% of the oculus spawns. Barbs are a melee class and need the trash to be on the oculus. This isn’t like a DH where the trash can be far away but you jump in a oculus and it still works. Can wwrend be meta trash killer? NO. How much does oculus help? 4 greater rift levels worth of damage best case scenario. That’s me going from a 116 to a 120. Is this even worth looking into? NO. Stick to what wwrend does well and your gaming will go a lot smoother. Maybe this is were you actually go and test it yourself and realize i’m 100% right. Jump in a 4man group with only yourself to kill trash and you will see real fast.

This is where I count my 117 150 gems and my rank 18 NA and rank 113 world solo clears. Pretty sure I have a understanding of how oculus ring works. Oh by the way I main a zbarb if you didn’t catch that from my gems totals.